Ellucian Banner System & UNC State Grant Interface Updates Autumn Carpenter, Director of Financial Aid Operations and Technology – UNC General Administration Tracie Mitchell, Grants and Scholarships Manager – College Foundation, Inc. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015 Session Agenda Ellucian Banner Financial Aid System Update UNC State Grant Interface Updates NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
2015 – 2016 Banner Financial Aid Updates January Banner Financial Aid 8.22 Winter Updates for 2015-2016 February and (Pell Grant Schedules) Banner Financial Aid 8.22.1 Direct Loan Streamlining/Redesign and BBAY March, and April Banner Financial Aid 8.23 Spring Updates for 2015-2016 NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
2015 – 2016 Banner Financial Aid Updates May June July August and (included new FISAP process) Banner Financial Aid 2015-2016 Direct Loan Reconciliation Reports Process NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
2015 – 2016 Banner Financial Aid Updates September Banner Financial Aid 8.24 Summer Release October (24 defect resolutions) Banner Financial Aid 8.24.1 - Early Decision and IM INAS is on track for release toward the end of October. The dependency for this release is Finaid 8.24 The Early Decision, 8.24.1 webinar is scheduled for Thursday, November 5 at 3:00 PM Eastern time. https://ellucian.webex.com/ellucian/onstage/g.php?MTID=ed8bd87b79deea0a38a6 1db074ece6111 NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
2015 – 2016 Banner Financial Aid Updates November Banner Financial Aid 8.24.2 - Program of Study is still on target for a November 10 delivery date. Release Description: Concurrent release with Banner Student to support identifying coursework in the student's program of study and only disbursing federal financial aid on those hours. The dependency for this release is Finaid 8.24 Count in Program of Study Webinar scheduled for November 11 at 12PM. https://ellucian.webex.com/ellucian/onstage/g.php?MTID=e810d8c19f71fc94f7f647 8f014bdee4c NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
2015 – 2016 Banner Financial Aid Updates November - a defect correction patch is also currently targeted for the week of Nov 9. The dependency for this release is Finaid There are currently 5 defects included in this patch: CR-000134168 - REREX16 terminates with error "Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQL Exception: ORA-20100: ::SSN exists in the table for another student.::" CR-000130678 - Unsub not created for 'Dependent without Parent Data' CR-000131439 - Matching a Parent PLUS Loan application from REAUCOD with a foreign address in the local address field returns error "local state code is missing." CR-000133033 - Miscellaneous issues with address types for US and foreign addresses in RLPDLOC and REROR16 CR-000133897 - Updating Gross Amount in Disbursement Summary block of RLADLOR updates Award but changes are not saved on RLADLOR All of these will be rolled up and delivered again in the Winter release, 8.25 in January, 2016. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
Banner Financial Aid Transformation to Banner XE Provides additional levels of customization Adds the ability to extend applications Reduces the need to modify applications Mid-year delivery of XE for Financial Aid in 2016 NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
2015 – 2016 Banner Financial Aid Updates 2015-2016 Direct Loan and COD Communications Use this link below to access information related to the Direct Loan Redesign/Streamlining and COD releases/patches for 2015-2016. This is your one stop location for all information related to these topics. This information will be updated regularly to include new information. https://ecommunities.ellucian.com/docs/DOC-5487 NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015 eCommunities Access via the Ellucian Support Center (HUB) Home page Video clips, webinars and terminology guide Setup preferences and start following spaces, people& content Configure notices for instant emails or daily digest Streams (feeds) are customer defined which allows information to be based on individual work preferences NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015 eCommunities Bookmark the URL for easy access: https://ecommunities.ellucian.com Sign up for a HUB account at: https://clientapps.ellucian.com/SignUp Forgot HUB password: https://ellucian.okta.com/reset-password Questions? Email: ecommunities@ellucian.com NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
eCommunities links to Webinars and Brainshark Presentations NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015 Helpful Links DL Table and Column Mapping Updated - 01-16-15 https://ecommunities.ellucian.com/docs/DOC-3390 8.22.1 Day 1 Power Point, Recording, Q&A – 3-26-15 https://ecommunities.ellucian.com/thread/14053 8.22.1 Day 2 PowerPoint, Recording, Q&A – 4-17-15 https://ecommunities.ellucian.com/thread/14205 Brainshark for SAY and BBAY -5-9-15 https://ecommunities.ellucian.com/message/25099 8.23 PowerPoint, Recording, Q&A –6-29-15 https://ecommunities.ellucian.com/thread/17178 Brainshark for DL reconciliation – 9-7-15 https://ecommunities.ellucian.com/message/42644 8.24 recording and PowerPoint 9-19-15 https://ecommunities.ellucian.com/message/44853 8.24 Q&A – 9-28-15 https://ecommunities.ellucian.com/thread/21757 NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Current interface provides the ability to: Upload a grant file and store the data within the Oracle database Match the uploaded records with existing data within the administrative system Perform edit checks on the data for continued eligibility Provide a means to review failed edit checks and the ability to rerun the edit checks and update the student's status Post potential awards to the student's financial aid award Send term certification files back to CFI Upload electronic funds transfer (“EFT”) payment files from CFI Report discrepancies from paid amounts and EFTs received Report discrepancies from reconciliation files available from CFI NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Current interface processes: RZPNCUL - CFI Grant File Upload Process This process allows the uploading of files generated from the CFI grant system. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Current interface processes: RZPNCED – North Carolina Grant Edit Check Process This process performs edit checks for all students with grant types loaded from full year and term grant eligibility files. The purpose of this process is to determine the student continues to remain eligible for the grant prior to posting the grant to the student’s award. This process should always be executed prior to running the grant posting process. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Current interface processes: RZPNCAW – North Carolina Grant Award Posting Process This process posts term records from the RZRNCTA table that have not been posted to the student’s award, using a translated value of the grant type to a fund code. The award is only posted if the term code associated with the grant is included in the student’s aid period. If the fund management setup indicates that the fund is disbursable, the disbursements will be scheduled as per the setup on RFRASCH or RFRDEFA. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Current interface processes: RZPNCCF – Term Certification Process This process selects all term award records for students specified for the grant types translated from the fund codes through the grant type translation table. It creates a flat file to be transmitted and uploaded into the CFI system for term certification processing. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Current interface processes: RZRNCEC – EFT Control Report This report compares paid amounts for grant programs with the EFTs received from CFI. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Current interface processes: RZRNCRR – NC Grant Award Reconciliation Report The report is used to reconcile the awards posted and disbursed in RPRATRM with awards posted in the Student Accounts System. The total amount of NC Grant Awards disbursed by fund in the RPRATRM_PAID_AMT field for the academic year and the TBRACCD_AMOUNT field for the NC Grant Awards in the Accounts Receivable module is compared and a produces a report that will detail any discrepancies between the amounts disbursed in the Financial Aid module and the amounts received in the Accounts Receivable module. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Current interface processes: RZPNCAR – NC Grant Award Removal Process The process will function in much the same way that the RZPNCUL process functions when run for a Reconciliation file, with the difference being that NC Grant Program records can be removed from the Banner database by the process when certain conditions are met. The process will read a Reconciliation file provided by CFI and compare grant types and amounts to grant types and amount posted in Banner. If a non-disbursed NC Grant Program award record exists in Banner for a student, but is not in the Reconciliation file, the award will be removed from Banner. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Updates to current processes: RZPNCAW Create option to void PST status by adding a new process parameter allowing the posting of awards even when a ‘PST’ status exists. Create option to post tracking to prevent disbursement by adding a new process parameter that will be used to specify a tracking requirement that will be posted to RRAAREQ with a status of “Outstanding”. These two new parameters will be helpful to schools in managing mid-year increases to award eligibility due to increased award funds at CFI or to mid- year formula changes. Update to allow posting for grade level 5 NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Updates to current processes: RZPNCCF Campuses currently use parameters 04 and 07. Will mark parameters 05 and 06 and mark them as “no longer used” Create option to report ‘ineligible per school’ status (will go to CFI as N). The current version of the process does not send these students. To provide an option, a new process parameter will be added so that process can be run as is currently done (to not include these students) or to run the process to include these students. GTVSDAX will be used to crosswalk these ineligible codes. Potential codes are non-degree seeking, second degree seeking, SAP, residency, etc. An additional ineligible condition that will be hard-coded is “Over COA” (negative unmet need). Update to report additional enrollment statuses of L (less than half-time) and 3 (three quarter time). Currently the process sends only H and F. When reporting enrollment status, update process to review locked hours if exists, otherwise report actual. Use enrollment rule set as the repeat coursework checking rule on RORENRR (RORENRR_REP_COURSE_IND = ‘Y’) Ensure that export file is produced using the new export file layout. NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Request for new reports: Discrepancy Report Develop detailed discrepancy report similar to UNCG’s RZRGRNT process to be run throughout the year. The new process will have the option to report off of accepted and/or paid in Banner. This new process will contain a parameter allowing the user to choose whether the report includes only admitted students or not (‘Y’,’N’) FAFSA Report Develop report of FAFSA filers who are enrolled for a specific term NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
UNC State Grant Interface Update Other updates: Develop training documentation for campuses Review current process for file transfer between CFI and campuses (HTTPS vs SFTP) NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015 Questions? NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015
NCASFAA Fall Conference – November 1-4, 2015