What are they? Minerals- are inorganic substances that become part of the bones, soft tissues, and body fluids. They make up for 4% of your body weight. The body needs 21 minerals for good health.
Two Categories Macrominerals Microminerals (Trace elements)
Macrominerals Your body needs these in larger amounts each day. 100 or more milligrams. –Calcium –Phosphorus –Magnesium –Sodium –Potassium –Chlorine
Macrominerals Facts: Calcium- They body contains more calcium than any other mineral. It is mostly in bones and teeth. If the daily amount of calcium is not met the body will take the calcium it needs from the bones. If this process continues osteoporosis will develop. Phosphorus- Is second to calcium in the amount in the body. It works with calcium to build teeth and bones. It also helps the body use other nutrients. If you have to much it can throw off the calcium to phosphorus balance and cause osteoporosis.
Macrominerals Facts: Magnesium- About half is in your skeleton. The other half is in the soft tissues and body fluids. It helps cells use proteins, fats and carbohydrates to produce energy. It also helps regulate the body’s temperature and keeps the nervous system working. Deficiencies are found in alcoholics due to lack of nutrient intake. Deficiency can cause twitching, muscle tremors, insomnia.
Sodium, Chlorine, and Potassium Work as a team. To control osmosis. Which is process whereby fluids flow in and out of the cells. Sodium and Chlorine is located in blood plasma and other fluids outside the cells. Some chlorine is in the gastric juices. Some sodium is in the bones. Most of the body’s potassium is in the cells.
Micominerals (Trace Elements) Your body needs these in smaller amounts each day. Less than 100 mg. –Iron –Zinc –Iodine –Fluoride
H2O Body must have to function. FYI- People can live more than a month without food but only a few days without water. 50%-75% of your body weight is water. It is found in and outside of all cells.
What Does It Do? Aids in proper digestion and cell growth and maintenance. All chemical reactions within the body rely on water. Lubricates joints and body cells Helps regulate body temperature
Water 54% intake is from liquids. These include water, milk, broth, coffee, tea, fruit juices, and other beverages. 37% comes from the foods you eat. Body also obtains water when it releases energy from carbs, fats and proteins. Excretes most water form kidneys as urine.
How Much? You need about ½ your body weight worth daily. So 150 lbs/ 2= 75 ounces