High-impact interventions
Number of people living with HIV who were not receiving antiretroviral therapy, 2014 and 2015 Source: UNAIDS estimates, 2014 or mid-2015 for the following countries: Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Remaining stock of efavirenz (size of circle) and how close they are to stock- out (colour of the circle) in select counties in Kenya, 2015 Source: Kenya HIV Situation Room. Kenya: Ministry of Health; 2015.
Subnational HIV treatment cascades for Morocco, 2009–2013 Source: Antiretroviral medicine patients registers and referral centers, Ministry of Health, Morocco.
HIV treatment cascade for people who inject drugs and men who have sex with men aged 18 years and over, across 27 sites (26 cities) in India, 2012–2013 Source: Mehta SH et al. HIV care continuum among men who have sex with men and persons who inject drugs in India: barriers to successful engagement. Clin Infect Dis Living with HIV Aware of HIV-positive status Linked to care Pre-initiation of antiretroviral therapy Antiretroviral therapy initiated Current antiretroviral therapy initiated Suppressed viral load
Cascade of care in British Columbia, Canada, by fiscal year, 1997–2014 Source: British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Drug Treatment Program database (for antiretroviral use, viral load and CD4 count) and administrative data (ex. Medical Services Plan billings; hospitalization data from the Discharge Abstract Database).
CHAPS-supported voluntary medical male circumcision in Gauteng, South Africa, 2012 and 2014 Source: Centre for HIV and AIDS Prevention Studies.
New HIV infections and voluntary medical male circumcision, Lesotho, 2014 Source: Lesotho HIV and AIDS Estimates and Projections, 2014; Jhpeigo, 2013–15.
Average number of male condoms distributed annually per male adult aged 15 years or older in South Africa, by district, 2014–2015 Source: National Department of Health, Republic of South Africa, 2015.
Fast-Tracking condom promotion in South Africa: Number of male condoms distributed per male per year, by district, 2010–2011 to 2014–2015 Source: National Department of Health, Republic of South Africa, 2015.
New HIV diagnoses in New York City, 2001–2014 Source: New York City Health Department. Number of HIV diagnoses Number of pregnancies per 1000 adolescent girls aged 15–19 years
Pre-exposure prophylaxis in San Francisco Source: Magnet, San Francisco AIDS Foundation.
PrEP intervention and comparison sites for sex workers within the SAPPH-IRe project, Zimbabwe Source: Centre for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Research Zimbabwe.