August 8, OE Growth Plan
1 Background Our OE Program has performed at the same level for the past few years: -4 Gold Belt classes, -2 MBB classes -1 DFSS class -Generating $1.3M-$1.5M in revenue to SSA -Attracting some new clients to SSA & providing training options for our clients Focus looking into 2009 is growing the program: -Attracting new clients to SSA -Aligning with and supporting SSA’s positioning efforts into Industry Vertical Markets -Developing new course offerings and penetrating new markets
Growth Initiatives IBL Different Mailing Lists Different Cities – localized (T&E) Industry Vertical Markets Other Business-Belt Offerings? Pay-4-Webinars Credit Cards Franchise OE program Industry-focused offering? Subsidized Training (ERC) Expand Supplier Program (T&E) Business Awareness? -CRL, -Genpact OE Class Reunion Refresher+ IBL 2 Benchmarking Services University Affiliation (CPEs)
3 Expand Supplier Program “Bare-Bones” program -No Certification/Support option -Minitab, Meals/Snacks not included Limited to JCI Suppliers Pricing = $3,750/Student for 5 Wk BB Comprehensive program -Certification/Support INCLUDED -Minitab, Meals/Snacks included -Full suite of offerings (Ex./Green/Black/DFSS/MBB) Contemporary modules -IBL/SPM? -OE BB Auto-industry wide program Pricing = $7,750/Student for 5 Wk BB Closer tie to Supplier Mgt.? -SSA bring supplier scorecard template -Benchmarks -Track improvements Today’s Program 2009 Supplier Program
4 Franchise OE Leverage Brand Target geographies where SSA is not present -Manual Linan (Mexico) -JFL – France -?? Europe Established/agreed rate structure SSA provides: -Program structure -Material -Admin Svcs (Registration/Accounting) -Marketing -Co-Branding -Co-Certification Partner provides: -Instructor/MBB support -Facilities -Access to clients (butts in seats) SSA / Partner share revenue?
5 Business Awareness Training Tailored to client/business Currently working on CR Potential for Genpact Turn into routine offering: -Quick customization for clients -Business specific -Client examples -Could become part of our standard offerings at early deployment stage
6 University Affiliation Establish CPE accreditation for our training Longer-term relationship with University -Offer courses trough University – on-site? Attract clients demanding CPEs (e.g. Boeing)
7 Industry Vertical Markets New markets, new audiences, new blood Piggy-back off of SSA&Co. activities in this area: -White-papers -Conferences -Contacts in industries -Mailing lists -Publications Industry-specific offerings (like the way JCI Supplier is turning into Auto OE program)
8 OE Program has been stable over the past few years But, as a self-funding marketing program, we want -To attract new clients to SSA -To continue to grow & expand the OE program & presence OE team has focused on Growth challenge for past few months and has come up with many ideas to grow the program: Three-pronged approach to growing OE -Prong 1 – New products: IBL (business belt) Silver Belt (Green Belt + Certification support + contemporary content) Auto Supplier program Others … considering different locations, -Prong 2 - New markets: ISSSP – initial test to reach new audience still in 6S space - 2 campaigns - 2 Webinars Outside mailing list - Likely to proceed next week with reaching out to a new (non-6S) audience - 10,000 contacts -Prong 3 – Updated Marketing: Need to update (or create) marketing material Accreditation (CPE credits) Market segmentation/analysis to refine messages Smother entry points/escalation paths
9 The following are trademarks and service marks of Six Sigma Academy International, LLC: Breakthrough Lean ®, Breakthrough Strategy ®, Breakthrough Value Services ®, Breakthrough Change Strategy SM, Breakthrough Design SM, Breakthrough Diagnosis SM, Breakthrough Execution SM, Breakthrough Sigma Lean SM, Breakthrough Six Sigma SM, Breakthrough Software Design SM, FASTART SM, Six Sigma Gold Belt TM, SOLVING YOUR BUSINESS PROBLEMS FOR THE LAST TIME SM. Six Sigma is a federally registered trademark of Motorola, Inc. MINITAB is a federally registered trademark of Minitab, Inc. SigmaFlow is a federally registered trademark of Compass Partners, Inc. VarTran is a federally registered trademark of Taylor Enterprises. Six Sigma Academy International, LLC 630 Fifth Ave., Suite 1900 New York, NY Tel. (212)