4. Marketing Plan Overview
The Personal Franchise allows you to Leverage your Time You Qualified business, (27 Premium Plus Customers) Earn about per month - per year Earn about £250 per month - £3,000 per year
Build a Team by Teaching Others Teach 3 other people to build a qualifying business and earn, on average, about /month or /year Teach 3 other people to build a qualifying business and earn, on average, about £825/month or £9,900/year
The Power of Leveraging Time 12 qualifying team members average 12 qualifying team members average /mo or /year £2,500/mo or £30,000/year
39 qualifying team members average 39 qualifying team members average /month or /year £6,600/month or £79,200/year The Power of Leveraging Time
The Value of Qualifying Your Business
If you get promoted to the following positions in the given period, you will get a bonus of: