By: Nick Edwards and Brady Jackson
Nurture Nurture is the environment has the biggest affect on behavior. Behavior reflects their life experiences and how they are raised. Its based on key events such as abuse tragic deaths, whether they were brought up in a broken family or a very close family, or a positive or negative environment.
Example If you were put down one day that would most likely put you in a bad mood. Now imagine if you were being put down everyday by numerous people you would be very sad and your personality maybe very cynical and self conscious, but if everyday you were greeted with compliments you would most likely be very happy with a good out look on life.
Studies They used twin studies where the twins were separated at birth. They then studied to see if they shared any of the same behavioral similarities. They also did a lot of adoption studies where children were raised in a different environment from that which they were born.
Twin Studies Because identical twins share the same identical genes they make ideal test subjects for the Nature vs. Nurture debate. Some traits such as height and weight are thought to be genetically determined, but others such as behavior and intelligence are thought to be from the environment. If a person’s parents are of below average intelligence but the child grows up in an environment where education is valued, the child can grow up to be much smarter than their parents. Another environment could be sports or athletics are valued so the child could grow up to be very physically fit unlike their obese parents.
Case study "It's not just our taste in music or books; it goes beyond that. In her, I see the same basic personality. And yet, eventually we had to realize that we're different people with different life histories." In the case of Paula and Elyse Nurture played a huge role in who they were as individuals even though genetics did play a significant part.
Adoption Studies Adoption studies are useful to scientists because if an adopted child share more characteristics with their adopted family then that would prove the significance of nurturing vs. genetics.
case study Tim and Betsy are matts Adopted parents “Matt resembles his adoptive parents, Tim and Betsy, in many certain ways.” “Matt is 17 and has many personality traits the same as Tim. They both are very hardworking. Matt is involved in many sports and has worked really hard to get where he's at by doing summer training sessions.”
Conclusion Both nature and nurture play a important role in our personality's. We believe that Nurture plays a much more important role in our personality's. We believe this based on our research that you can nurture a child from the moment they were born to have any sort of personality it just depends on their environment. If you grow up in a very relaxed and luxurious environment all your life you may be very ignorant and not used to the stress of everyday life of that of a person who lived a hard life would had. They might be tough, cautious and have a negative out look on life.
Nature vs. Nurture nurturing nature wrong
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