Deutsch: Week 1 Unit 1 Frau Contreras
Themes for Week 1 28/11-2/12 Where is German spoken? (Montag 28/11) Alphabet (Montag 28/11) Numbers 0-20 (Dienstag 29/11) Classroom Commands & Objects (Mittwoch 30/11) Colors; Days of the Week/Months; 4 Seasons (Donnerstag 1/12) QUIZ #1 (Freitag 2/12)
Montag 28/11 Kick Off Frage: Look at the Alphabet page inside your Unit 1 packet and listen to the Alphabet in German. Write which letters you think sound different from Spanish/French. Agenda: 1)Kick Off/Discuss/Chart (7 min) 2)*Finish Map/Review Cities in Germany & Preview of Prezi Visits (8 min) 3)Alphabet Song: Listen and Sing (8 min) 4)Sing without the music?/Listen to leader & repeat ( 5min) 5)Whiteboards Practice/Dictation (7 min) 6)German name Tags/Select a name and spell it! (10 min) *make- up/missing work and/or dropbox*
Dienstag 29/11 Kick Off Frage: Look at your German name tag and Alphabet sheet. Write your name on your Kick Off sheet and be prepared to spell your name. Ex: Ich heiβe Frau Contreras. F-R-A-U- C-O-N-T-R-E-R-A- S Agenda: 1)Kick Off/Discuss (7 min) 2)Numbers Song: Listen and Sing (8 min) 3)Sing without the music?/Listen to leader & repeat ( 5min) 4)Whiteboards Practice/Dictation (5 min) 5)*Independent Work: Matching Numbers and Crossword (10 min) 6)Math problems on board race: Girls versus boys (10 min)
NUMBERS Null 1.Eins 2.Zwei 3.Drei 4.Vier 5.Fünf 6.Sechs 7.Sieben 8.Acht 9.Neun 10.Zehn 11.Elf 12.Zwölf 13.Dreizehn 14.Vierzehn 15.Fünfzehn 16.Sechzehn 17.Siebzehn 18.Achtzehn 19.Neunzehn 20.Zwanzig
Practice! 1. fünf - drei = 2.sechzehn + vier = 3.zwei + sieben – vier = 4.neun x zwei = 5.siebzehn – vierzehn =
Mittwoch 30/11 Kick Off Frage: Write your Telefonummer, then spell out each number in Deutsch. (zwei- eins-fünf…) Dont let anyone see your paper…well see if they can hear you say your telephone number and write it down correctly! Agenda: 1)Kick Off/Discuss (5 min) 2)#s Review Board Races/Turn in Hausaufgaben (8 min) 3)T Model while Students write/observe: 7 Classroom Commands & 5 Objects with TPR (8 min) JA? NEIN? 4)Volunteer: Students write/ give teacher commands (2 min) JA? NEIN? 5)Repeat 3 & 4 two more times (20 min) 6)I-SPY Picture/Slide#8 ( 5min)Hausaufgaben– Pages zwei, drei, and vier of Unit 1/Packet #2 (Commands/Classroom Items)
Donnerstag 1/12*cont. Kick Off Frage: Seid still! Seid still! …and write the letters and numbers you hear Frau Contreras speak. Agenda: 1)Kick Off/Discuss (3 min) 2)T Model while Students write/observe: 7 Classroom Commands & 5 Objects with TPR (8 min) JA? NEIN? 3)Volunteer: Students write/ give teacher commands (2 min) JA? NEIN? 4)Repeat 3 & 4 two more times (20 min) 5)I-SPY Picture/Slide#8 ( 5min)Hausaufgarben– Pages zwei, drei, and vier of Unit 1/Packet #2 (Commands/Classroom Items)
Freitag 2/12*cont. Kick Off Frage: Translate the short story below for review of the Classroom Objects and Commands. Guten tag!, said Frau Contreras. She ist my 1) Lehrerin, und Ich bin 2) die Schuler(in). 3) Setzt euch,bitte und 4) Seid still, she says. She also tells us to 5) nehmt einen bleistift or 5) der kugelschreiber und 6) das papier. I look over at another 7) Schuler, but he ist throwing 8) das buch and writing on 9) die Schreibtisch with 10) der filzstift. Frau Contreras will 11) schaut an that Schuler soon. She might say 12) Gehen Sie auf the office, but shell definitely be glad that it is Freitag! Agenda: 1)Kick Off/Discuss (8 min) 2)Finish Round #3 Commands and Objects (9 min) 3)Practice Commands/Use personalized Questions and Revisit Kick Off Frage 4)Students complete #14 and #15 of homework (1 min) 5)Hausaufgaben-Trade and Grade/Discuss/Collect (8 min) 6)Ss Observe I-SPY Picture/Slide#8 and say what see…Quick! (2min) 7)Foldable/ Creative Story Writes using SIEBEN Classroom Commands & 10 Classroom Objects with pictures (20 min) *These will be collected for a grade (20 pts) and turned in/shared
Montag 5/12 Kick Off Frage: Discuss what you think the following days of the week and months are in Englisch: 1.Montag 2.Dienstag 3.Mittwoch 4.Freitag 5.Samstag 6.Donnerstag 7.Sontag 1.Dezember 2.Juli 3.Juni 4.Oktober 5.Januar 6.Februar 7.Marz 8.April 9.Mai 10.November 11.September 12.August
Seasons Winter Sommer Frühling Herbst
Dienstag 6/12 Agenda: 1.Kick Off Frage: Review Packet/Discuss *Collect Packet for Completion/Participation (10 min) 2.Listening Assessment: Review Commands through Actions/PQAs (10 min) 3.Set up Bingo Cards (Alphabet, #s, Days of Week Songs) (10 min) 4.Reading/Listening Assessment with: BINGO! (18 min) $$$$
Ich sehe…
Mittwoch 7/12 1.Kick Off Frage: on a separate sheet of paper 1.Kick Off Frage: Reread the Short Story; then try to create your own classroom story using 5 classroom objects and 5 commands on a separate sheet of paper (10 min) 2.Share Stories with a Partner (5 min) 3.Ich- Sehe Slide Shout Out (2 min) 4.Ich-Sehe COLORS w/ OBJECTS Game (11 min) 5.TPR Practice with Volunteers for the following: Alphabet (Letters) Numbers 0-20 Commands Classroom Objects Where is German spoken? Colors (20 min) Guten tag!, said Frau Contreras. She ist my 1) Lehrerin, und Ich bin 2) die Schuler(in). 3) Setzt euch,bitte und 4) Seid still, she says. She also tells us to 5) nehmt einen bleistift or 5) der kugelschreiber und 6) das papier. I look over at another 7) Schuler, but he ist throwing 8) das buch and writing on 9) die Schreibtisch with 10) der filzstift. Frau Contreras will 11) schaut an that Schuler soon. She might say 12) Gehen Sie auf the office, but shell definitely be glad that it is Freitag!
Ich sehe…
Donnerstag 10/12 Kick Off Frage: Create 1 question for each of the themes weve learned below: 1)Where is German spoken? 2)Alphabet 3)Numbers )Classroom Commands 5)Classroom Objects 6)Colors 7)Days of the Week/Months,Seasons Agenda: 1)Kick Off (5 min) 2)Quiz Partner (5 min) 3)Share Aloud Review Questions/Boys vs. Girls (5 min) 4)QUIZ (20 min) 5)Trade and Grade (10 min) QUESTIONS????
Freitag 9/12 Cultural Day: Christmas in Germany! Cultural Day: Christmas in Germany! [St. Nikolas, Legend of the Pickle, Christkind…etc]
Unit 1/Unit 2: Montag 12/5-Freitag 12/9 Unit 1 complete on Montag & Dienstag Unit 1 complete on Montag & Dienstag UNIT 1 QUIZ (DIENSTAG…6/12) UNIT 1 QUIZ (DIENSTAG…6/12) Cultural Day– Mittwoch 7/12 Colors & Months/Days/Seasons - Donnerstag 8/12 Greetings & Pronouns –Freitag 9/12
Unit 3: Montag 12/12-Freitag 16/12 REVIEW Days- Montag 12/12 & Dienstag 13/12 FAMILIE Intro - Dienstag 13/12 & Mittwoch 14/12 Begin Working on Familie Project due Freitag! Begin Working on Familie Project due Freitag! Description Words and Careers –Mittwoch 14/12 & Donnerstag 15/12 Unit 3 QUIZ/PROJECT= Family Tree Poster or PowerPoint/Description (Present Freitag 16/12) Unit 3 QUIZ/PROJECT= Family Tree Poster or PowerPoint/Description (Present Freitag 16/12)
Finals Review Review Day of Spanish, French, and German– packet to study for Final Exam (12/19) Review & FINAL EXAMS 20/12 & 21/12 and organize portfolios, teacher survey, language questionnaire/attitudes After Final Exams, Deutsch Speaking Countries Cultural Activities/Make-ups (22/12) Happy Holidays!