Webinar Series 2015 Getting ready for Interfaith Week 2015 How to organise interfaith activities to deepen learning in RE and citizenship during IFW 15 th – 21 st November pm pm Thursday 22 nd October
Supported by UNESCO Helps pupils understand the world around them & respect cultural and religious diversity Offers high quality cross-curricula resources to use with pupils at Key Stage 2 and those embarking on their Key Stage 3 transition Supports core personal and social skills development as well as self-directed, exploratory learning Promotes universal core values & the development of ethical thinking Designed to compliment RE and PSHE teaching, alongside citizenship education
Webinars Support teachers in their work around interfaith dialogue and RE; as well as PSHE and Citizenship learning in schools Offers a space for teachers to come together and think about issues arising from classroom practice in these areas
Webinar Presenter Claire Clinton o An experienced teacher within EYFS, Primary and Secondary education o She has over 20 years of classroom experience, and 16 years of advisory work at a national and local level o For the past 9-years has been the Religious Education Advisor for the London Borough of Newham
Session objectives Share a range of ideas for Interfaith Week (IFW): 15 th – 21 st November 2015 Understand how IFW focused RE and citizenship lessons can: o Benefit your pupils when they engage with interfaith activities; o Embed Fundamental British Values of tolerance and mutual respect within your school.
IFW 2015: using stories (1) Stories allow us to find common messages shared by humanity, shared values; Keeping back the meaning of a story and allowing children and young people to speculate on the meaning/s for themselves gives opportunity for high quality learning; Allows pupil’s to learn from one another’s cultural/religious heritage.
IFW 2015: using stories (2) Stories available via include: o Abraham o The Rabbi and the Cow o The Good Samaritan o The Famous Donkey Story Read the story to your pupils and ask them: o To find hidden meaning/s in the story (which you can display as a list to the rest of the class) o What questions would be interesting to discuss from these ideas
IFW 2015: using stories (3) Good Samaritan Story example: Pupils might say the stories hidden meaning are: o Help strangers o Always find time for others o Don’t walk by & always get help Get pupils to think of a good discussion question from these ideas: o Why are we sometimes too busy to help? o What stops us from stopping? o Should we always help strangers? Then have a full classroom discussion
IFW 2015: foods and festivals (1) Main Religious festivals in November/December Hanukkah (Jewish) Diwali (Hindu, Sikh and Jain) Advent & Christmas (Christian) Guru Nanak’s Birthday (Sikh) Prophet Muhammad’s birthday (Muslim)
IFW 2015: foods and festivals (2) Use worksheets available via e.g. ‘Same, Similar and Different’ worksheet Use a link between different festivals – e.g. light, birthday / significant dates Look at more than one as this helps aid discussions about what they share Offer a different way into RE: o Learn about a religious festival through the food eaten o Make food with pupils and get them to taste it
IFW 2015: patterns and designs Use worksheets available via Think of the way in which patterns are used in different religions: o Repeated patterns o Calligraphy to form objects Ask pupils to: o Think about what the patterns seek to show that is central to a religion’s beliefs o Design a symbol to represent Interfaith Week o Design a shared space used by two different religions
IFW 2015: Philosophical thinking (1) Playful Ponders: Ask pupils to ponder whether they would prefer one option or another: e.g. would you choose to have a day where you can spend £1000 or a day where everyone in your family, school community get on with one another? Get pupils to choose to stand on one side of the classroom or the other showing their choice Ask pupils to explain their choice After a few explanations see if any want to change sides…
IFW 2015: Philosophical thinking (2) Using a concept line to discuss the topic of peace: More peaceful Less peaceful
Join up nationally Download their poster Use some of their suggestions to inspire you IFW: nd Nov
Top Tips Do one thing well if it is the first time you are marking IFW this year - and then build on that next year Have clear outcomes for your activity! Think about how can you share what you will do with your wider school family (other teachers /pupils / parents): o Newsletter o Sharing items during assemblies o Can you invite local faith leaders to lead an assembly?
Wrap up Any questions?
Contact us For further information about the webinar series and how Interfaith Explorers can support you visit: or contact Rokhsana Fiaz OBE Chief Executive Maimonides Interfaith Foundation