October 20th, 2005Mar2 Typical Layout Surface, SG building US (CR5, UXA)UX
October 20th, 2005Mar3 Agreement Cables and connectors* between SG - US - UX - SG are procured and installed by the experiments to PH-DT1/Gas specification After several iterations, the cable schedule for the 4 experiments are released, available in EDMS The Gas Group takes full care of cables between racks in SG and US * In ATLAS, the Gas Group will assemble the connectors (after cable installation) S. Pavis
October 20th, 2005Mar4 Cable Schedule Source Rack Id. Location = SG, US, UX Source Ident. Label = Unique ID, sticker on cable Source Connector Type Destination Information about each cable type Description Ref. to a schematic drawing Cable type SCEM Diameter, length
October 20th, 2005Mar5 New release The new Cable Schedule document contains the information for all connectors It is accompanied by a Cable/Connector schematics document Any line is characterized by: character - number - character Connector at sourceCable TypeConnector at destination
October 20th, 2005Mar6 Cable/Connector Schematics Ex. Power from Control Rack in US to Distribution Rack in UX M10N
October 20th, 2005Mar7 Cable/Connector Schematics Ex. CanBus US - UX B2C
October 20th, 2005Mar8 Reminder of some Target Dates Cables installed & tested Installation Milestones (1 month after) ALICE Jan 06 Start Commissioning of Single Path systems ATLAS Dec 06 Multi-channel commissioning (RPC) CMS / TOTEM May 06 Start installation of gas systems LHCb May 06 Start installation of gas systems
October 20th, 2005Mar9 Assembly & Test of connectors: Time Estimates 30’10’ 24VDC Pilot Signals for Valves 20’ 10’
October 20th, 2005Mar10 Global Time Estimates Std. Cable Schedule with estimates for each connector type Info grouped by rack type
October 20th, 2005Mar11 Cable/Connector Assembly Time per Rack is Calculated as: Assembly time of connectors Test time: 20% of assembly time Preparation time / Rack: 60’
October 20th, 2005Mar12 Assembly Time (min) / Experiment ALICEATLASCMSTOTLHCb
October 20th, 2005Mar13 Typical Figures, adding some safety (50% on top of previous totals) SystemRack Type Assembly & test (hours) Small Single Path SystemsControl Rack SG2.7 Control Rack US3 - 5 Std Closed loop SystemsControl Rack SG3 Control Rack US10 Distribution4 Large Closed Loop SystemsControl Rack SG3 Control Rack US Distribution4 Pneumatic Lines
October 20th, 2005Mar14 Cable/Connectors Installation Optical fibres not included Patch panels not included Installation in ATLAS has to be finished by Dec 05
October 20th, 2005Mar15 Next steps Take into account previous figures to plan procurement, installation of your cables and connectors Depending on your choice (install cables w/o connectors) we can provide some initial assistance for the assembly & test