Assembly Procedures of the cavities Ancillaries (RF power coupler, Tuning system, RF cables) 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF1 Special Linac WG meeting: Assembly of the ISOLDE Cryomodules K. Artoos, A. Boucherie, P.F. Marillac, T. Renaglia, G. Villiger, K. Schirm, W. Venturini
CONDITIONING OF PIECES FOR CLEANROOM 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF3 Baldaquin ISO5 in SM18 (for conditioning) Piece preparation - All piece has to be degreased -Before entering in baldaquin clean it with alcohol and blow with N 2 gas -The person inside has to blow it with N 2 gas -Clean it again inside the Baldaquin (with cleanroom cloth with alcohol) -Put it in 2 plastic bag (Antistatic and used for clean room) with N 2 gas and close it Cleanroom assembly SM18 Before entering in ISO7 -Remove the first plastic bag -Blow it with N 2 gas -Give it to the person inside the cleanroom (who blows the bag from inside to outside with N 2 gas) -Open the last plastic just before installation Rmk: The person outside has to manipulate all piece with gloves (without powder)
CAVITIES DELIVERY 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF4 Cavity storage: -Beamport support (installed before the RF test) -Tuning plate and tuning plate collar (installed before the RF test) -Special support for the multifunction trolley (installed after the RF test) -Beamport, pick-up and coupler protections (under design) -2 plastic bags (antistatic, PEBP) with N 2 gas Cavities will be stored in SM18 in ISO5 Baldaquin on a support trolley. Cavities will be transported between the baldaquin and the cleanroom with a special trolley.
COUPLER SYSTEM ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF5 RF coupler line Motor Control UHV rotary motion Rod RF power coupler
UHV ROTARY MOTION FEEDTHROUGH INSTALLATION 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF6 Preparation - Reception of the UHV rotary motion from MDC Vacuum - Drilling of the rotary axis on the vacuum part and of the extension rod - Leak detection of the UHV rotary motion - Connection of extension rod and UHV rotary in the ISO5 baldaquin - Conditioning in double plastic bags (PEBP) with N 2 gas Installation on the top plate (for top plate leak test) -Clean (dust cloth and alcohol) and check (no particle, scratch) top flange and UHV Rotary motion knifes -Put the CF 40 copper gasket -Fix the UHV rotary motion extension rod feedthrough
ROTARY AXIS INSTALLATION ON THE CRYOMODULE 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF7 Preparation -Axis reception (+ support ring) -Degreasing (102bldg or 867bldg) -Conditioning in Baldaquin ISO5 in SM18 (alcohol and 2 plastic bags with N 2 gas) Procedure -Pass the axis through the passive thermal screen from the bottom, and plug it to the UHV rotary motion axis (Hexagonal head). -Fix the support ring in order to maintain the rod on the passive screen (2 half rings). The rod is supported by the thermal screen Support ring Top view Screen Support ring Bottom view
RF POWER COUPLER INSTALLATION 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF8 Preparation -Coupler reception (Cold tested in SM18 vertical Test stand) -Conditioning in baldaquin Procedure -Put the antenna all out (in order to protect it) -Put the Hexagonal head of the coupler in the cylindrical piece of the axis -Give an angle to the axis in order to pass the coupler through the support -Screw it on the cavity -Put the antenna ALL IN
Preparation -Mount the motor control in the baldaquin ISO5 -Conditioning with 2 plastic bags with N 2 gas COUPLER MOTOR CONTROL INSTALLATION 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF9 Procedure -Put the handle on the motor -Put the motor on the TOP switch position (antenna ALL IN) -Fix it on the UHV rotary motion (tighten the bellow and 4 screws) -Put the antenna ALL OUT (by hand with the handle) -Adapt the position of the BOTTOM switch (antenna ALL OUT) if it is necessary -Put the antenna all in Bellow Switch
PICK-UP INSTALLATION 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF10 Preparation -Reception of the antenna, copper extension, RF connector -Degreasing of each piece at the chemistry -Clean each part with alcohol, blow with N 2 gas and do the assembly in baldaquin ISO5 in SM18 -Conditioning with 2 plastic bags with N 2 gas Installation on the cryomodule - Fix the antenna on the cavity
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF11 TUNER SYSTEM ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE Tuner line Motor control Axis Lever arm
TUNER MOTOR INSTALLATION 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF12 Procedure (top plate leak test) -Check that the motor is on the BOTTOM END switch (corresponding to the tuner plate flat position) + 6mm (6 turns) -Clean the knife with a dust cloth and alcohol -Check particle or default on motor and top plate knifes -Put a CF 63 copper gasket -Fix the motor on the top plate flange and screw it Preparation -Motor control reception -Conditioning with 2 plastic bags with N 2 gas
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF13 TUNER AXIS INSTALLATION Procedure - Pass the axis through the thermal screen from the bottom - Connect the second part of the axis to the tuner control Preparation - Reception of the 2 axis parts, 2 link motion -Degreasing -Assembly of the axis in baldaquin ISO5 -Conditioning with 2 plastic bags with N 2 gas
LEVER ARM INSTALLATION (I) 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF Procedure -Put the central screw on the tuning plate and block it with a nut. -Fix the tuning mechanism to the tuning plate collar. Screw the grey part. Preparation -Reception of lever arm mechanism -Degreasing in Bldg 102 -Mounting and conditioning in baldaquin in SM18 -Conditioning in 2 plastic bags with N 2 gas 14
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF15 Procedure - Adjust position of levers and clevis at the rod and in the centre - Fix the screws and the counter screws to connect the rod LEVER ARM INSTALLATION (II)
RF CABLES ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF16 Preparation -Cable reception from Huber and Suhner with connectors (N type, 7/16”) -UHV RF connector receipt from Hositrad Ceramtec cie, and Allectra -Leak detection on each connector -Cable testing (with Network analyser, attenuation…) -Conditioning cables and connectors with 2 plastic bags and N2 gas Procedure -Clean and check connectors and top plate flanges knifes (dust, scratch) -Pass the cable through the thermal screen and connect it to RF connector on the top plate -Fix the insulating tube on the passive screen -Connect cables to the pick-up and the RF power coupler N type double sided on CF 40 flange (Allectra) 7/16” double sided on CF 63 flange (Ceramtec)
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF17
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF18
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF19
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF20
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF22
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF23
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF24
19/03/2014Mathieu Therasse BE/RF/SRF25