NTV Nuuanu Television
Biomedical Engineering
What is biomedical engineering? Biomedical engineering - application of engineering principles and techniques to the medical ` Close the gap between engineering and medicine.
What body part did we choose? Senses Sight, hearing, smell, and taste Specific parts of the body Specific parts of the body
What body part did we choose? Touch Found all over body
Dermis The lower or inner layer of the two main layers of cells that make up the skin.
What is the problem? How do you recreate the feeling of touch? Most force sensors are bulky. Invent thinner and more flexible force- sensing pads
E-skin Pressure sensitive electronic skin
The nerve endings in your skin can tell if hot or cold
Touch and Pressure receptors both detect movement or pressure
Nuuanu Touch Screen Television Studio
Equipment that senses football moves
"Fingernail Touch Sensors"
Touch Sensors"
How can we improve life with technology? We can improve life with tech by making things safer with protective wear.
Who invented touch sensors? ScientistsDoctorsEngineers
References understanding-sense-of-touch-video.htm understanding-sense-of-touch-video.htm understanding-sense-of-touch-video.htm understanding-sense-of-touch-video.htm cs/ cs/ cs/ cs/ stm#ixzz157cWl4OT stm#ixzz157cWl4OT stm#ixzz157cWl4OT stm#ixzz157cWl4OT htm htm htm htm umber= umber= umber= umber= hands-a-sense-of-touch hands-a-sense-of-touch hands-a-sense-of-touch hands-a-sense-of-touch Nailsensor.pdf+fingernail+touch+sensors&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESixydN6Myj7ikou6wkjuwNKT0zdR0oU1FmIaboIMtrtQ7sOL8KpbppEB65SG_b_IhcsSxItUgT w0XfaK6TcgO0kSOEZ0BtdTbO2oE-48QFYsDEIjxzjO0UsiyHkfEkqxdp-iI7-&sig=AHIEtbRtRhFma2pG1dwrPBnUpZ4-RcB4VA Nailsensor.pdf+fingernail+touch+sensors&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESixydN6Myj7ikou6wkjuwNKT0zdR0oU1FmIaboIMtrtQ7sOL8KpbppEB65SG_b_IhcsSxItUgT w0XfaK6TcgO0kSOEZ0BtdTbO2oE-48QFYsDEIjxzjO0UsiyHkfEkqxdp-iI7-&sig=AHIEtbRtRhFma2pG1dwrPBnUpZ4-RcB4VA
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