Lingering Questions Incoming M1’s May Have…
Important Facts About This Survey! This PowerPoint contains answers to a survey sent to students in the VCU/MCV Family* (*Mainly the MCV c/o 2013) The survey was conducted in June of 2010 The survey includes statistics to consider when moving to Richmond such as, information on where medical students live in the area, the percentage of unmarried versus married medical students, and cell phone providers students use in the area Note: Please keep in mind that for the Foundations of Clinical Medicine Course (FCM) you are required to have a car to travel to and from your preceptor’s office Ask property managers and landlords about the average cost of utility bills- students sometimes find that the bills are much higher than expected especially whenever they are renting units in older homes and buildings
Where Do You Live?
Do You Rent? Live with Family? Or Own Your Home/Condo?
How Many Bedrooms Do You Have?
How Much Do You Pay In Rent?
Do You Have A Land Line?
Who Is Your Internet Provider?
Do You Have A MAC Or PC?
Are You Married? Engaged? Single?
Are You Happy With Your Mobile Phone Provider?
How Do You Get To Campus?
Where Do You Park On Campus?
THE END! Special Thank You to the classes of 2013*, 2012, 2011, and 2010 for completing this survey! * 90% of the results were from class of 2013