Gladys Lebrón-Martínez Research Fellow Western Massachusetts and Campaigns: Women of Color Running for Office Pathways to Political Leadership for Women of Color A Research Partnership between the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy and Women’s Pipeline for Change
Project Background ▸Identified need to document and analyze existing resources available and utilized by women of color in Western Massachusetts ▸Particular focus on Latinas
Research Design: Focus Group ▸Nine Latinas, all of Puerto Rican background, who had achieved elected office or had run for office in three different municipalities in Western Massachusetts ▸City council and school committee candidates ▸Background in social services, education, or social issues ▸Five out of nine were elected, one appointed to fill vacancy, three didn’t win ▸Two women first ran for office in 2011, four of them ran in the 2000s, two in the 1990s, and one in the 1980s
Successful Campaigns Limits of Traditional Resources ▸Traditional resources (trainings and consultants) not as significant ▸Lack of networking opportunities in region identified ▸Limited/no presence of women of color in networking activities Importance of Networks and Mentors ▸Candidate’s own networks and knowledge of their communities significant ▸Helped build community and financial support
Resources Available in Western Massachusetts for Women of Color Running Campaigns (N=9) Expected/ Traditional Resources # Focus Group Participants* Resources Specific to Western Massachusetts or Candidate # Focus Group Participants* Training programs2Well-known community leader who helped other candidates’ campaigns 3 Political consultants or advisors 2Family member with elective office experience 1 Endorsements (carrying financial, strategy, or field campaign support) 1Candidate’s own network (family, friends, community) 9 Encouragement and support by a sitting elected official 1Family name recognition 1 Support from the local party structure 1Momentum created by a number of Latinos running in neighboring towns 1 *Number of focus group participants who used resources or to whom they were available.
Need for Support Focus group participants identified the need for various types of support, including financial support. Yet they emphasized the tremendous need for moral and emotional support necessary for both political candidates and for those serving in elective office: “The support that many of our women expect is more personal, assistance, unity….it’s more of the mental, moral support. And what is required once you are elected, the types of emotional, mental supports that are available for you. There’s no training that will be able to provide that but if they prepare you to understand that then it’s a little bit easier to face the challenges of the campaign or elected office.”
Recommendations 1.Network for Women of Color ▸A Western Massachusetts network for candidates and elected officials could provide mutual support and advice, and enable joint political strategies and fundraising 2.Expectations ▸When preparing women of color to run, training programs and campaign advisors should more comprehensively address: ▸the expectations of campaigning and elected office ▸the nature of how city government works 3.Leadership Pipelines ▸A strategy should be developed to build leadership pipelines with young women of color in Western Massachusetts who understand the nature of political campaigns in communities of color
For more information about Gladys’ study, including video clips, photos, and summaries, please go to : Gladys’ Project Or visit: