Focus on the Possibilities Patty Guard, Acting Director Office of Special Education Programs
Our Goal --is to ensure that young people finish high school with the tools to be productive citizens in all aspects of their lives—work, family, community and leisure activities
Focus on Systems Learning We must... become adept at learning. We must become able not only to transform our institutions, in response to changing situations and requirements; we must invent and develop institutions and societies that are "learning systems," that is to say, systems capable of bringing about their own continuing transformation. - Donald A. Schon, Beyond the Stable State (1971) p. 30;
Education as a Learning System: What Will it Take? Reflective practice at all system levels Data-based decision making Evidence-based programs and practices - implemented with fidelity Program evaluation Sharing tacit knowledge though CoPs Multi-level feed-back loops
NCLB and IDEA Provide Tools for Learning NCLB – AYP data disaggregated by subgroups School improvement plans Evidence-based practices IDEA – State Performance Plans and Annual Performance Reports Response to Intervention Evidence-based practices
Possibilities for School and District Level Learning AYP disaggregated data Student progress monitoring Response to Intervention
Possibilities for SEA Level Learning State assessments under NCLB Disaggregated AYP data by district, school and subgroup HQT data SPP/APRs Progress on indicator reaching targets Evaluation of improvement strategies GSEGs
Possibilities for Federal Level Learning NCLB AYP data for disability subgroup SPP/APR analyses MSIP determinations TA&D Projects’ indicator analyses TA&D Projects Communities of Practice
State Capacity Building For Implementation and Scaling-up OSEP/OESE collaboration designed for learning at all levels Focus on implementation and scale-up Across general and special education Will work intensively with six states and relevant TA Projects Regional Implementation Teams/State Transformational Teams Community of Practice (CoP) Internal Department of Education team
Other 07 OSEP Investments SPDG – 24 Awards Data Accountability Center Center on Response to Intervention
Possibilities for National Organization Learning IDEA Partnership Project RTI Summit
Tying It All Together Goal: to ensure that all young people finish high school with the tools to be productive citizens in all aspects of their lives – work, family, community and leisure activities. And join together to become life- long learners.
Let us put our heads together and see what life we will make for our children. Tatanka Iotanka (Sitting Bull, Lakota Leader) Endless Possibilities