Famous People Good V Evil
Mother Teresa Often called a living saint, Mother Teresa cared for the destitute of India through her Order of the Missionaries of Charity. She was an inspiration to millions and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
Maximilian Kolbe Catholic priest who sacrificed himself for a fellow prisoner during the holocaust. Offered to die in place of a Jew in the camp Auschwitz.
Desmond Tutu Christian Minister who campaigned against apartheid (separation of black people from white people) in South Africa. Became the first black archbishop of Cape Town.
Saddam Hussein Saddam Hussein became president and dictator of Iraq in Responsible for the deaths of many innocent civilians.
Dalai Lama The leader of Buddhism, refused to use violence in order to win back the country of Tibet from Chinese rule. Submitted a 5 point peace plan.
Malala Yousafzai Shot in the head by the Taliban for wanting an education. After her surgery located to the UK – won the Nobel peace prize for her words. Recently passed her GCSEs with high grades.
Gaddafi Ex Ruler of Libya, wanted for his crimes against humanity. Connections with the Lockerbie bombing in 1988 that killed 270 people when the plane crashed in Scotland, the worst act of terrorism recorded in the UK.
Ted Bundy Theodore Robert Bundy committed a rampage of serial killings in the United States between the years He is held responsible for murders, most of them young women.
Stalin Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet Union for nearly a quarter of a century. His rule is famous for his use of police terror and the frequent mass murders of his own people. In total, estimates of the total number murdered under Stalin's reign, range from 10 million to 30 million.
Islamic State Terrorist group responsible for killing innocent civilians in Syria and Iraq. Use social media to show brutal killings of people! They DO NOT represent mainstream Islam
Hitler A man many people consider the embodiment of evil, Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany, started World War II, and instigated the Holocaust killing over 6 Million Jews.
Gandhi One of the greatest human rights leaders of the 20th century, Mohandas Gandhi. Campaigned for the rights of the poor in India and against the occupation of Britain
Bin Laden Was the head of the terrorist group Al Qaeda. Responsible for the attack on the twin towers (9/11). Killed in an operation by US seals.
Martin Luther King A Christian black minister who led the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Campaigned for black people to have the same rights as white people, an advocate of pacifism.
Jack the Ripper Jack the Ripper is a name given to an unidentified character, credited for various murders around the White Chapel area in London. The man responsible was never found, but the killings eventually stopped. He is one of the most famous serial killers of all time
Jimmy Saville Children’s TV presenter - Evidence found that he took advantage of children and abused some of them