NEAREST TEWS Prototype Data Concentrator NEAREST, 5 th Meeting, Berlin, Oct 2008
Requirements Requirements Real-Time data acquisition Multi data source capability Seismic and water-level data Internet access (tcp/ip) Based on SEISCOMP software PC/Linux platform
Seiscomp Seiscomp The Seismological Communication Processor (SeisComP) is a concept for a networked seismographic system, developped at GEOFON Free software Linux / Solaris Data acquisition Data quality control Data recording Real-time communication Network status monitoring Real-time data processing Issuing event alerts Waveform archiving Waveform data distribution What it does
BB Network – October 2008
Leixões (IH) Peniche (IH) Cascais (IGP) Sines (IH) Lagos (IGP) P.Delgada (NOAA) Sta Maria (IH) Madeira (IH) Tide Gage Network Flores (IH) Grupo Central (UA)
Tide-Gage Stations B. Perez, IV NEAMTWS Lagos Cascais Sines Leixões
Seedlink data flow PESTR PMAFR PM CMLA II MTE GE SFS GE/ROA RTC MORF LX IM support PM- IM network II - IDA GE -GEOFON MN -MEDNET LX – IGIDL WM-West Med TREMOR VSAT Internet Archive ( storage area network ) NRT processing (autopick & autoloc & SOH) Manual Analysis (SEISAN) IM LAN ODC DMC IGN partners imslserver IM DMZ IM firewall GFZ MVO PFVI PBDV PVAQ PBAR PLML INMG MOE MN MP246 TIDE GAGE IGP PMRV +6 SP +17 SP PAB IU WM EVO PM Mainland, Madeira, Azores PCVE PM PMTGPNCL PMOZ PBRG PMPST PM
Quality Control – Noise (ContQual) Quality Control – Noise (ContQual)
Quality Control – Latency & SOH Quality Control – Latency & SOH
Real-Time Monitoring
Processing - SEISAN
, 5.9Mw Event Autoloc (01:57) (8 stations) Ho: 10:35:22 Lat: 36.02N Lon: 10.46W Depth: 30.9 km Mag: 6.2 ML Revised Ho: 10:35:25 Lat: N Lon: W Depth: 37.3 km Mag: 5.9 ML Differences: Epicentre : 12 km Depth: 6.4 km Mag: 0.3 Relevant Regional Earthquakes 3 min 3 min -> Civil Protection (SMS, , Fax & Dedicated Radio Link) [ checked solutions ]
GFZ collaboration Seiscomp 3 Extended Network Fast MW evaluation Testing
Future Plans Finish the installation of the BB network (VSAT) - 4 stations Mainland (End 2008) - 2 stations Azores (End 2008) More intense testing with Seiscomp3 Integration of Tide-Gages stations (Internet) - 1 Sines (IH) – end Sesimbra (IH) - end 2008 ? - 1 Leixões and 1 Peniche (IH) – upgrade Cascais (IH) – end Lagos (IGP) – end Azores (UA) – Azores (IH) – Madeira (IH) – 2009 Continue Improving the DataConcentrator for the NTWC (2009) towards a RTWC for Azores-Gibraltar Region and NE Atlantic