READING Pupils will bring home their reading journal for you to record when you hear your child read. You should read with your children to support them and write a comment in their books. We will be carrying out an assessment to find out your child’s reading age. This will ensure that your child receives the correct support they need to make progress. We will discuss this with you at Parent’s Evening.
WRITING During the year the children will be given a writing target, once they have achieved this three times they will then be moved onto their next target to ensure the children are aware of their next steps in learning and how to achieve them. We will discuss with you at Parent’s Evening your child’s targets and how you can support them.. This year we are really excited to be working with other schools on a Talk for Writing project which is developed by Pie Corbett. It will have fantastic benefits for the children as it’s based on the principles of how children learn. It enables children to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally before reading and analysing it and then writing their own version.
:: English Setting descriptions Shape Poems Senses poems Instructions- cooking Diary writing: Dick King Smith- Jenius Firework poems (Story of gun and powder plot) Observational poems Myth- How was the world made (Pie Corbett) Myth Unit- Night and Day Myth (sun) Creation Myths How the Rabbits Stole the Fire. Newspaper report- discovering fossils Using speech marks Mary Anning biography UG The Boy with a Bronze Axe (narrative) Stone Age character and setting description Stone Henge- Non-Fiction writing Stone Age Boy Fact Files Class book Diary writing- Howard Carters discovery Descriptions of tomb Instructions on how to mummify a body Egyptian Cinderella- narrative writing Rainforest descriptive writing (setting) Horton Kirby Persuasive leaflets Recount Instructions In Year 3 the children have a wide range of opportunities to develop their writing skills. Here are some of the writing activities that we will be doing over the year.
SPELLINGS We will be carrying out an assessment to find out your child’s spelling age which we will discuss with you at Parent’s Evening. We no longer send spellings home to practise for a spelling test as we now follow a new scheme of work which develops the children’s understanding of key spelling patterns and rules. Through our daily teaching the children have more opportunity to develop their spelling knowledge through a range of activities. Then they can apply their knowledge of spellings ensuring their understanding is developed.
MATHS In Year 3, the children are expected to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 multiplication and division facts up to 12 and begin to have a knowledge of all their times tables. We would appreciate it if you would help them to learn them at home. Please ensure children are practising their maths passports at home too. At school your child will receive feedback through our making. When your child needs further support with a concept then we will work with them to ensure they have understand their learning. To ensure that your child is challenged they will receive their next step or a challenge to complete.
HOMEWORK The children will each have an English and a Maths homework folder. These are to be used to keep homework safe as it travels between school and home. It will also allow parents to see how well their children are doing. Homework for Year Three consists of a piece of English, Maths or Topic homework. The homework will be set on a Friday and be due in on Wednesday. The support your child receives at home is extremely valuable and reinforces learning completed at school. There will be homework clubs at lunchtime to assist children with any homework they have difficulty completing.
TOPICS Autumn 1 – Living and Growing Autumn 2 – Light and Dark Spring 1 and 2 – Sticks, Stones and Bones Summer 1 – Tomb Raiders Summer 2 – Rivers and Rainforests
ASSESSMENT The new curriculum has increased expectations for all year groups so children may be on a lower step than they were level. Teachers use assessment grids to assess reading, writing, SPaG (spelling and grammar) & maths. As you may be aware the way we assess your child’s learning has changed. We no longer measure their progress through levels but through steps. We are assessing children all of the time, constantly considering how well they have understood their learning and what the next steps are. Step 24 will be considered the expectation for a child at the end of Y3.
P.E. Our P.E. days are: 3R – Tuesday and Friday 3S –Wednesday and Friday 3A –Thursday and Friday 3E – Thursday and Friday P.E. All children should have the appropriate P.E. kit in school. This consists of: o House colour t-shirt o Navy shorts. o Plimsolls (indoor PE) o Trainers (outdoor PE) o Socks o In colder weather, the children are allowed to wear a school or plain, dark tracksuit. All items of clothing must be named. The P.E. kit should stay in school all week in case of a timetable change. Please note: Pupils are only allowed to wear small stud earrings. These must be removed before school or taped during P.E. lessons. No other forms of jewellery are allowed in school.
TRIPS In January the children will be going t o Darrick Wood Pool for swimming lessons until Easter. 3R and 3S will be going on a Monday and 3A and 3E will be going on a Thursday. In June as part of our Rivers and Rainforests topic we will be visiting Horton Kirby.