Part One, Hiking
Basics Travel light! Drink water in moderation. Rest when necessary, but not too often. Pack lots of socks, change often. Always follow the map. Take it slow and steady. Know your limits. Avoid causing damage to the environment.
The Path Stick to it, it is there to help you. Use a map along with signs on the path. Pay attention to the skill level off the trail.
Your Feet Wear solid boots that have been broken in with ankle support. You do not want your feet to hurt once you are up the mountain because you still need to hike down the other side. Make sure your boots are large on your feet so that you do not damage your toes on your way down the mountain.
Your Feet Continued When I mentioned bring a lot of socks earlier I MEANT IT! Two layers of socks is advisable. Bring as many socks as you can fit in your backpack. Whenever you stop to take a rest change your socks to prevent any damage to feet or disease. This also improves comfort and will allow you to hike for longer. Dry feet are healthy feet. Healthy feet, healthy hiker. Healthy hiker, better hike.
The Mountain And You The greatest dangers of hiking are over exertion, and bears. They both do great amounts of damage to your body and should be avoided at all costs. Over exertion can lead to damaged tendons, muscles and can stop you in your tracks because you will be too tired to carry on. You should take a slow and steady pace in hiking with breaks when you need them.
Hydration and Food Your intake of water and food should be measured to give you enough energy to hike all day but not to damage your body. Too much water or food can cause cramps in your body which will take time to work over and subtract from your hiking experience. Always carry at least one litre of water with you, you may not drink it all but you may be surprised at how much you or others need it.
Clothing Cotton is indeed rotten. Wear Under Armour shirts or anything polyester. These items of clothing repel sweat from the body whereas cotton soaks it up and smells terrible. Polyester shorts are also advisable but cargo shorts can be handy for storing anything you may need. Do not step foot near a mountain in denim. It is heavy and absorbs sweat, which you will have plenty of.
Flora and Fauna (Plants and Animals) (Trees and Rabbits) Avoid contact with animals on the hiking trail as you may be disturbing their environment and habitats. Avoid causing any damage to the plant life in the area as the animals depend on the plants for survival. The leaf you are stepping on may very well be the key to the whole ecosystem and as you step on it the whole mountain could come tumbling down around you and then how popular would you be! What would you do then??? Respect nature kids, it’s the “hip” thing to do. Plus we told everybody that you were cool and you don’t want to disappoint society do you? Didn’t think so!
Sanitation Everything that you bring in, you bring out. Keep all garbage inside a container in your backpack. Do not litter. Leaving garbage on the trails ruins the experience for the next people who wish to explore nature. Any garbage you leave will damage the trail and could harm the plant and animal life in the area.
Summary Wear Polyester, not cotton. Wear solid, broken in boots with ankle support. Bring socks, change them often. Watch for Bears. Drink and eat in moderation. Do not damage or destroy any of the local animal or plant life. Do not litter.