FHS 0 Turn in parent signatures 0 Finish questionairre/interview 0 Pick Deutsch Name 0 Alphabet 0 Whats your name? My name is… 0 Tiere Partners
RMS 0 Turn in parent signatures 0 Finish questionairre/interview 0 Pick Deutsch Name 0 Alphabet 0 Whats your name? My name is… 0 Tiere Partners (if time)
RMS 0 Finish Tiere Partners 0 Alphabet Competition 0 Alphabet Flyswatter Game 0 Partner Practice- Wie heisst du?
FHS *Have books and iPad 0 Alphabet Practice 0 Notes- Wie gehts? Greetings & Goodbyes 0 Ipad apps 0 Partner Practice- Wie Heisst du? Greetings and Goodbyes 0 Packet Assignment #1- due next Dienstag (Tuesday)
Apps to have on iPad 0 Fraus website 0 LEO Dictionary 0 Evernote 0 Haiku Deck 0 Puppet Pals 0 Puppet Pals 2 0 StoryKit (iPhone- download) 0 Find 3 free German apps and report back.
RMS 0 Alphabet Practice 0 Greetings and Goodbyes 0 Germany vs. USA
Week 1 Notes *Make sure you have alphabet notes handout from class
Whats your name? INFORMAL- people your own age: Wie heiβt du? (Vee hi-st doo?) FORMAL- older people Wie heiβen Sie? (Vee hi-sin zee?) MY NAME IS Ich heiβ e (Eee-chhhh hi-sa…)
How are you? Wie gehts? (Vee Gates) Some answers: Gut- good (Gooot) Schlecht- bad (Schl-ek-t) So-la-la- ok (zo la la) Müde= tired (mooooooude)
Greetings Hallo Hah-low Guten Morgen Goot-in More-gan Good morning Guten Tag Goot-in Tahg Good Afternoon Guten Abend Goot-in Ah-bind Good evening Guten Nacht Goot-in Nah-khhht Good Night Servus Servooos Grüβ Gott! Grooos Got
Goodbyes Auf Wiedersehen OW-f Veed-er- zay-in Formal goodbye Tsch üs Choo-ss Informal-bye Tschau Chow Informal- bye Bis Bald! Biss Bald See you soon Bis später! Biss spate-r Until later