1 Module # A About your Q.i training program presented by : Rodger Jeffery company: Mettler Toledo Inc duration: 15 mins
2 welcome Your presenters… Rodger Jeffery Bradley Timm Your resource web sites… PUBLIC SITE FTP SITE ftp://ftp.usa.mt.com/pub/indmkg/Qi%20- %20LOOK%20HERE!/ ftp://ftp.usa.mt.com/pub/indmkg/Qi%20- %20LOOK%20HERE!/ REGISTRATIONS
3 objectives Gain a good understanding of the scope of this training program Be able to comprehend and explain the structure of a training module Be able to orientate yourself to maximize the benefit from participating in a module
4 Hardware MATROLLERS (Material Transfer Controllers) Q.iMPACT compact Q.iMPACT lite Q.iMPACT pro pro lite compact
5 MATROLLERS FEATURESQ.iMPACT compact Q.iMPACT lite Q.iMPACT pro Measurement Channels Cluster Channel Limit Max Number of Scales24 4 Max # of Flow Meters Combinations of above (# channels limit)(open slots limit) (open slots limit) Filtering TraxDSP (enabled) (enabled) (enabled) Asset Management Preventative maintenance (enabled) (enabled) (enabled) Condition monitoring (enabled) (enabled) (enabled) Predictive failure (enabled) (enabled) (enabled) Control Defaults Basic Control - Spill Only (enabled) (enabled) (enabled) # of Material Paths (50 enabled) (50 enabled) (50 enabled) 1-Speed Feed output (enabled) (enabled) (enabled) 2-Speed Feeds output (enabled-max 2) (enabled-max 8) (NOT enabled) BFM – Basic Feed Mang. (enabled) (enabled) (enabled) AFM – Advanced Feed Mang. (NOT enabled) (NOT enabled) (enabled) Overlapping Feeds (NOT enabled) (NOT enabled) (enabled) Cross Check Maintenance (NOT enabled) (NOT enabled) (enabled) Group Feeds (enabled) (enabled) (NOT enabled) Control Optional Upgrades Material Path upgrades 500/1000 (enabled option) (enabled option) (enabled option) PAC Advanced Control K1,K2 (enabled option) (enabled option) (enabled option) Communications Matroller to Matroller (NOT enabled –max 1 matrolller) (NOT enabled –max 1 matroller) (TCP/ IP max 20 matrollers) Matroller to PC (enabled for TCP/IP) (enabled for TCP/IP) (enabled for TCP/IP) Matroller to Host PLC (Profibus DP, Cnet, Ethernet IP) (Profibus DP, Cnet, Ethernet IP) (Profibus DP,Cnet,Ethernet IP)
6 Product Companion Products Qi365
7 Training Programs “Canned” 1 or 2 Day Programs Delivered 38 training sessions
8 Channel MO's (Market Organizations)
9 Time of DayAllocated timeDay 1 - (All Participants) 9:00 Session 1 9:000:10Module A - The Q.i training program 9:100:00Module B - New Technology SO WHAT? 9:100:00Module C - Must, Should & Could Have FUNCTIONS 9:100:00Group Discussion, Review & Critique Session 2 9:100:00Module Introduction 9:100:30Module Hardware 9:400:45Module System Architecture 10:250:00Group Discussion, Review & Critique 10:250:15BREAK Session 3 10:400:00Module Qi Parameters 10:400:15Module PAC Spill K1 and K2 10:550:00Module Overlapping Feeds 10:550:05Group Discussion, Review & Critique Session 4 10:550:20Module Designing a Qi System 11:150:45Module PAC Configuration 12:000:00Module Qi365 Session 5 12:001:00Module 090T - Commissioning 13:000:15Module 100T - PAC Accuracy Theory 13:151:00LUNCH 14:150:30Module 110T - Optimizing 14:450:10Group Discussion, Review & Critique An overview of the training program. An overview of the Q.iMPACT matroller, its hardware and system architecture In this hands on session we now design a system, configure it, do feeds and collect data More hands on – you start commissioning a system, understanding its performance limits and optimizing
10 Technical track Session 6 14:550:30Module 120T - Qi PLC Comms 15:250:00Group Discussion, Review & Critique Session 7 15:250:10Module 130T - Maintenance & Services 15:351:00Module 140T - ClassExercises 16:350:15Module 150T - Upsets 16:500:00Group Discussion, Review & Critique Session 8 16:500:00Module 160T - Advanced Topics A discussion on PLC integration Now we look at good practice for maintenance and and abnormal situations If we have time we discuss advanced topics
11 module structure EACH MODULE INCLUDES… n A list of objectives n Listed reference materials (if appropriate) n A presentation (backed by a PPT or document), Demonstration OR Practical session that provides the knowledge to meet the objectives n A blank page for note taking n A set of questions that are appropriate to the module
12 how to maximize your participation ENGAGE n Position yourself to engage in the training to absorb as much information as possible, by listening, reading or participating when asked. INTERCEDE If you don’t understand – stop the instructor and ask your question ! TAKE NOTES Use the “Your Notes” pages in the modules CRITIQUE Please fill in the critique for after each module.