co-funded by the European Community eContentplus programme NATURE-SDIplus infrastructure Carmelo Attardo – GISIG Andrea Fiduccia, Stefano Turcato – Intergraph Monica De Martino, Riccardo Albertoni – CNR-IMATI Jean Christophe Deconnet, Dorian Ginane - IRD
Outline Nature-SDIplus needs NSp infrastructure architecture Integration of interoperable tools NSp infrastructure in actions
3 1.DP harmonize the available data according to the shared common data model 2.DP publish metadata and related services on local/national/central catalouge 3.User send a request to National/NatureSDI catalogue by defining an area or specifying a text 4.The text request could be in a defined selected set of languages (english mandatory) 5.Answer: list of recovered resources (data/services MD) 6.Get info about recovered resources (MD details and extent) 7.Mapping the recovered data Thin client capabilities Smart client capabilities 8.Mapping Usability rules Visibility scales Simple generalilised layers Advanced views (3D) 9.Adding additional layers (services) coming from others services providers 10.Sample download service (IPR constraints) Nature-SDIplus needs
Common Thesaurus Framework Thesaurus REMODELED DATA Thesauri WS NATIONAL GEOPORTAL Catalogue National CSW CSW WMS WFS Download WFS WMS WFS DATA PROVIDER SERVICES GEOPORTAL REMODELED DATA External Thesaurus Infrastructure Architecture
Common Thesaurus Framework Thesaurus REMODELED DATA Thesauri WS NATIONAL GEOPORTAL Catalogue National CSW CSW WMS WFS Download WFS WMS WFS DATA PROVIDER SERVICES GEOPORTAL REMODELED DATA External Thesaurus Infrastructure Architecture Federated catalouges Nsdi+ catalouge includes the other available catolouges federated catalogues federated FR CSW upcoming SE CSW
Common Thesaurus Framework Thesaurus REMODELED DATA Thesauri WS NATIONAL GEOPORTAL Catalogue National CSW CSW WMS WFS Download WFS WMS WFS DATA PROVIDER SERVICES GEOPORTAL REMODELED DATA External Thesaurus Thesaurus integration Develop a pipe to exploit Nsdi+ thesaurus Editing metadata Medatada editor (integrated tesaurus) Discovery service unique thesaurus service for multi- languages serching search data starting from thesaurus vocabolary Semantic search functionality Additional info into metadata to recover semantics from thesaurus adding URI to each keyword adding a reference to the thesaurus service Infrastructure Architecture
Common Thesaurus Framework Basic idea
Framework Requirements Modularity : new KOS may be added as a new module plugged in the set of thesauri in the NatureSDIplus solution. Openness : Each KOS should be easily extendable keeping separated the original one. Interlinking: Interlinking among the terms referring to the same concepts in more then one thesaurus in order to harmonize their usage. Exploitability encoding in a standard and flexible format in order to encourage the adoption and its enrichment from third party system
View of Common Thesaurus Framework
Ongoing activity Exploitation of KOS exposed as linked Data INSPIRE2011 – Presentation Wednesday, June 29,2011, 16:54 Session: New Tools, Room: MOORFOOT Semantic Similarity Assessment to Browse Resources exposed as Linked Data: an Application to Habitat and Species Datasets Riccardo Albertoni, Monica De Martino
12 FR catalouge CS-W (Mdweb) ML serching (MD-MLsearch) Geoportal Discovery WMS / WFS WCTS Monitoring Thin Client (GM SDIsuite) Discovery WMS / WFS WCTS Monitoring Thin Client (GM SDIsuite) 3D Client (Graphitech) 3D Client (Graphitech) MD editor (Mdweb, DisyEd) Remap (GM Fusion / Tracasa / Humboldt) Basic WxS (GM WM, GM WP, Mdweb, GeoServer, GoPublisher) National Geoportal (FR) National Data Providers Available tools INTERGRAPH - GeoMedia suite - GM Pro - GM Fusion - GM WebMap Pro - GM WebPub - GM SDI Pro - GM SDI Portal DISY - Metadata editor EPSILON - GoPublisher IRD - MD suite - MDweb GRAPHITECH - Advanced 3D client - GeoServer TRACASA - Transformation tools HUMBOLDT - Transformation tools Available tools
Geoportal on-line section Geoportalhttp:// actually there are 160 metadata and more then 100 data metadata according ot the NSp profile data remodelled according to the NSp Target DM Catalouge service Overview map data Multilingual GUI + Metadata fields description Metadata Validation Service Download service
1.The following slide contains several links to videos showing the Geoportal in Action 2.In order to have the links fuctional, please download this ZIP file: (72MB) 3.Save it to your local directory, unzip it and run the presentation (infrastructure.ppt) from your local directory. Geoportal in action
1.The available technologies to use for the SDI implementation Metadata Editing technologies Transformation tools (Intergraph, Tracasa, Humboldt) Publication technologies (Intergraph / IRD / SnowFlake / OSS) 2.Common Thesaurus Framework and related facilities (CNR IMATI / IRD). 3.Integration of CTF facilities on IRD metadata editor and central catalogue, semantic searchmetadata editorcentral cataloguesemantic search 4.Thin/Smart clients 1.National geoportal IRDNational geoportal IRD 2.NatureSDIplus geoportal (Intergraph)NatureSDIplus geoportal (Intergraph 3.3D client (Graphitech)3D client (Graphitech 5.Download serviceDownload service 6.Validation serviceValidation service Geoportal in action