In-Process and Potential Future Software Capabilities Status In-Process and Potential Future Software Capabilities Status Danette Likens and Jamie Stewart AIM Team 4 April 2012
Functional Overview Rel 5.1: completed CPM/LO Module functions deployed immediately – 30 April 2012 Rel 5.x: In-work CPM/LO Module functions – schedules TBD based on acceptance testing – summer/fall 2012 Rel 6.0: in-work CPM/LO Module functions that require database changes -> full NMCI testing – scheduled for December 2012 GAT Rel 7.0: To be determined based on upcoming software modification task orders Discussion of potential future capabilities
Release 5.1 Functionality Targeted for 30 Apr 12 CPM: Capability to filter Data tab/Resource tab elements used in JDTA and learning objective development data on a Center-by-Center basis CPM: Generate a CTTL report product from existing native CPM data elements CPM: Updated KSATR functionality CPM: Provide CPM Administrators greater control over and the ability to eliminate data redundancies and duplications (‘gatekeeper’ functions) LO Module: Copy multiple nested DPs/RIAs from AIM I/II curricula into LO Module
Summary of Rel 5.1
Release 5.X Functionality Targeted for 2012 AIM I/II/LO Module: Atlas Pro LMS interface – fall 2012 AIM II: permit ‘ignoring’ the CMS – permit approval of course without completed CMS IAW ACR 79 – summer 2012 AIM II: allow copying a DP from one topic to another IAW ACR 83 – summer 2012 AIM II: utility to list/print RRL items by category IAW ACR 54 – summer 2012 LO Module: Enable the user to replace RRL items IAW ACR 198 – fall 2012 LO Module: Enhance In-use function management in – fall 2012 LO Module: Select later IETM IAW ACR 167 – fall 2012
Summary of Rel 5.X
Release 6.0 Functionality Targeted for December 2012 AIM I/II/LO Module: Portion marking IAW ACRs 66/129 – functional support from NSWCEN and CID AIM II: Modification TPP AIM II: support multi-volume LPs IAW ACR 220 CPM: Extend current functionality of CPM Existing Interventions tab to support linking of elements from existing traditional AIM I/AIM II curricula
Release 6.0 Functionality Targeted for December 2012 (contd) AIM I/II/LO Module: Atlas Pro Assessment Engine interface LO Module: Atlas Pro ROCCE interface LO Module: Support generation of FAL and implementation of other Fault capabilities IAW ACR 191 – faulting portion only LO Module: Provide capability equivalent to AIM I to link to later IETMs during life-cycle surveillance and maintenance of learning content originally linked to IETM data during development IAW ACR 167
Summary of Rel 6.0
Release 7.0 Functionality and Schedule TBD
Future Capabilities CPM/JDTA and LO Module versioning CPM/JDTALO Module ‒ Discussed in NAVEDTRA 136 business process agenda item ‒ White papers posted on AIM Web site for FRB review FEA support in CPM ‒ Discussed in NAVEDTRA 136 business process agenda item BCA support in CPM Master Course File/HPRR tracking application
Support for additional test item types in AIM I/II and LO Module Correct current misalignment of numbering between LO Module screens and LP print-out – to be discussed in ACR/FRM topic Resource, IMI, and IETM Versioning – to be discussed in ACR/FRM topic Future Capabilities (contd)
CPM data retention/revision tracking – to be discussed in ACR/FRM topic Add Jobs Server implementation to AIM I/II Central Sites to support off-line execution of time- consuming processes like TG preview – discussed in NETPDTC hosting topic and to be revisited in ACR/FRM topic Allow mapping multiple JDTA items to single learning objective – to be discussed in ACR/FRM topic Future Capabilities (contd)
Enhance RRL category to support PC simulation scenarios – to be discussed in ACR/FRM topic LO Module glossary consolidation at Lesson level – to be discussed in ACR/FRM topic Add capability for bulk Submit and bulk Accept of JDTA items as well as omitting Accept step for small Centers – to be discussed in ACR/FRM topic Future Capabilities (contd)
OCCSTDS Support in CPM How did we get here?: –Started with NETC N74/NAVMAC discussions –AIM Team Provided a CPM “sandbox” for NAVMAC familiarization –NAVMAC developed an OCCSTDS Storybook PPT to describe high- level functionality –Initial OCCSTDS tab implementation in Rel 5.0 for creation/management of OCCSTDS data by NAVMAC – crawl functionality –Initial design for automated import of approved OCCSTDs –Discussing more advanced automation of support Working toward business rule definition of: –How OCCSTDS data pulls forward into JDTA tab –Life-cycle impacts of OCCSTDS revisions on JDTA-based learning content –Discussing coding to support above items
Backup Slides
Assessment Engine and AIM Test Item Types