NGfL CYMRU GCaD Attending & Listening
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Aims: To differentiate between counselling and counselling skills To discuss the importance of attending and active listening To define triads
NGfL CYMRU GCaD OBJECTIVES: Recognise the difference between counselling and counselling skills Demonstrate the skills of active listening and attending Identify the three components of triad work
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Attending- Actively being with the other person “ Attending is the act of truly focusing on the other person. It involves consciously making ourselves aware of what the other person is saying and of what they are trying to communicate” Bernard (1989)
NGfL CYMRU GCaD 3 levels of attending Non-verbal communication Micro skills Social emotional presence
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Non Verbal Communication (NVC’s) What do we mean by this?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Body Language- Voice Touch Expressions Eye contact Proximity Posture Gestures Clothes Environment
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Exercise In pairs discuss the following Identify the body language of someone who is SAD HAPPY AFRAID ANGRY Write down your answers on the flip chart to discuss
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Micro skills S it Squarely O pen Position L ean Slightly Forward E ye contact R elax! (see Egan Handout)
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Social Emotional Presence Core Elements: Acceptance Warmth Genuiness Empathy
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Finally… something to think about... ‘ Helpers out of touch with their own feelings are unlikely to resonate and communicate their clients’ feelings accurately’ (Egan 2001)