Communication and Listening Two major factors contribute to effective listening or receiving: 1. Knowledge of Speaking Well: There is an interesting relationship between speaking well and listening well. In other words, people who “know” what it means to speak well, also “can” listen well. ex. Knowledge of public speaking ex. In interpersonal communication—We admire people who are: 1. Descriptive 2. Self-Disclosing 3. Own their feelings 4. Are Flexible 5. Are Empathic *Click here to view my tool for measuring effective interpersonal communication
Listening Continued: Second Factor of Effective Listening 2.Tolerance for silence: A perspective on silence (University of Colorado) Conformity Perspective—50% Authority Perspective—30% Contrary Perspective—15% Information Perspective—5%
Three Types of Listening 1.Signal Listening: basically hearing 2.Literal Listening: basically information recall *Ways we mess up literal listening: (from the text) -Pseudolistening -Stage-hogging -Insulated listening -Defensive listening -Ambushing -Insensitive listening 3.Empathic Listening: basically shared understanding *The texts word here is paraphrasing *Two types of paraphrasing—Cognitive and Emotive
Putting it all together with some examples: Dan in church Dan as a intern Rate this conversation using the tool