30 June 2005 EN 1 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Listening, explaining, "going local": The new Communication Strategy of the European Commission Wolfgang Petzold Brussels, 30 June 2005 Meeting of the Structural Funds' Information Team
30 June 2005 EN 2 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Starting point: the current structure (1) European Commission: Communication and information policy and tools DG Press and Communication Overall Communication Strategy (short-, mid- and long-term); Coordinating Commissioners' Spokesperson Service; MS Permanent Representations: coordination of press officers; General publications; Audiovisual products and services (Euronews, Europe by Satellite); Coordinating the website EUROPA (standards); Evaluation and opinion polls (Eurobarometer). Other DGs and Services Carry out individual information and communication strategies and actions ususally based on short- and mid-term communication plans and financed by decentralised means.
30 June 2005 EN 3 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Starting point: the current structure (2) EU Information Networks Overseen by DG Press and Communication 700 European Documentation Centres (EDC, since 1963); 400 Europe Direct Information Relays (since 2004, formerly known as Info Points Europe and Carrefours); 3 national information centres (Paris, Lisbon, Rome); 700 members of Team Europe. Overseen by other DGs 300 Euro Info Centres (EIC) in 46 European countries (SME); 71 Innovation Relay Centres in EU25 (+BG, RO; TR, CH, IC, NO, ISR); plus several other networks (EURES; Eurojus etc.) and national and regional contact points for EU programmes (Research Programme, Socrates, Media etc.)
30 June 2005 EN 4 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION A new Information and Communication Strategy Background Between 2001 and 2004: three Commission Communications stipulated the need for issuing more targeted messages, to better cooperate with Member States and to better coordinate between Commission services and with other EU institutions. Commission : Vice-President Wallström appointed for Communication; Group of Commissioners for Communication and Programming installed. 2005: Communication Action Plan (planned adoption: 20 July) suggests concrete measures within the Commission (lead: DG PRESS) to better streamline and professionalise resources; White Paper on Communication (planned for autumn) will involve stakeholders and other EU institutions to set out a "policy vision and initiatives in the medium and long term".
30 June 2005 EN 5 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION A New Approach Listening, explaining, "going local" Listening: Communication is dialogue; citizens to be more involved in policy formulation and output. Explaining: Impact of EU policies on citizens' daily life and, supporting a "European public". "Going local": Adapt communication to target audiences; convey messages through channels citizens prefer and understand. …based on strategic planning, coordination and integration and effective local implementation… Communcation Agenda based on priorities (annual policy planning cycle and strategic calendar )
30 June 2005 EN 6 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Proposed Measures and Actions (1) DG Press and Communication (June 2005) Commission services streamline all EU-financed information activities under one umbrella; improve dialogue; mainstream communication early into policy formulation; professionalise staff. DG Press and Communication new structure (DG Communication = DG COMM); strengthen coordination, reserach, feedback and impact assessment. Spokesperson Service rebut false claims; setting up a story-led news agenda; better cooperation with DGs and MS Representations; fewer and better press releases. Permanent Representations improve analytical and planning functions; set up multi-annual planning; improve functioning.
30 June 2005 EN 7 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Proposed Measures and Actions (2) DG Press and Communication (June 2005) Better use of tools AV services; Internet (Europa editor; interactive tools); Ppublications (e.g., streamline newsletters); Eurobarometer; networking for all information relays; visitors groups (Commission: 50,000; EP: 300,000 each year); journalist training) Time horizon for implementing these measures: 2nd half of 2005 and 2006
30 June 2005 EN 8 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION A debate in parallel: The European Transparency Initiative (ETI) Background Debate about lobbying of EU institutions and access to information, code of conduct. Objective To increase openness and accessibility of EU institutions, raise awareness over the use of the EU budget and make the Union’s institutions more accountable to the public. ETI and Structural Funds "Enhanced information about EU projects and programmes means explaining what was financed with EU funds, where the money went and what the results are. This could entail (…) improved public access to information on the projects and who are the final beneficiaries of EU funds (…structural funds…)." Status Internal Commission debate; Green Paper; Round Table?
30 June 2005 EN 9 EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Conclusions: What to learn for Structural Funds' information and communication activities? EU Communication Strategy and European Transparency Initiative Follow further developments, create awareness among regional stakeholders EU Communication Agenda Follow its priorities, national/regional events and link it to Structural Funds' communication campaigns if possible Existing EU national/regional information relays Develop cooperation on a regular basis for Structural Funds' publications, website and events