Good Communication skills are very important. Each of us should have the ability to send messages which accurately represents represent our ideas, beliefs, feelings, opinions and reactions. Types of Communication Non-verbal Communication- body language Mannerisms, facial expressions, body position, body and hand gestures Verbal communication- specific words that we use and our voice inflections (Tone) Speech, music, writing, and audiovisual material
1. Sending Skills 2. Receiving skills Sending Skills: How to send a message clearly and accurately to someone else Effective sending skills require you to be as specific as you can when talking. Say what you mean. Receiving Skills: how to hear and correctly understand a message someone is sending us It is just as important to send a message verbally as it is to send a message non-verbally
John’s mother yelled at him for not putting away his clothes. While she was yelling at him, she was smiling at the same time. John was confused by this mixed message and didn’t know what to do. What is a mixed message?
Activity Take out a sheet of paper Place your pen by the paper Fold the paper into 4 parts Indicate when you have finished the assignments Write your name at the top of the page Number the page 1 through 10
What kind of communication don’t use nonverbal communication? How do you think this affects the reception of the message? Communication problems can occur if the message being sent isn’t properly received. Think of a time when you were talking to someone and thy felt that they weren’t being listened to. How do you know that you were not being listened to?
There are verbal and nonverbal cues that indicate whether a person is listening or not. When we don’t get both sets of cues, we are less likely to receive a clear message.
Listener Says: Non-Listening “uh huh”Listener says nothing “Yes”Interrupts “Really”Laughs at wrong time Does not interrupt Verbal Skills Active ListeningNon-Listening Eye ContactNo eye contact Face toward speakerLeans away SmilesNo Smile NodsNo nodding Interested Facial expressions Non-Verbal Skills Turn to page 40 and let’s review…..
Get into groups of 2 In each group, one student will be “A” the other student will be “B” The As will tell the Bs for one minute about a movie that you recently watched The Bs need to show the As they are not listening in any way After one minute, the As will tell the Bs the same thing but with active listening. Use page 40 for further help Switch
Effective communication involves feedback. The person sending a message looks and listens for feedback while talking to tell whether the message is getting through in a clear and undistorted way.
Misunderstanding is a failure in communication which results when the receiver understands the meaning of a message differently than it was intended by the sender Let’s read page 42 in our student guide
Misunderstanding occur when we do not communicate clearly. Both the sender and the receiver have a responsibility to clarify messages to avoid misunderstandings.
Paraphrasing is an effective way to make sure you understand the message being sent. When you paraphrase, you restate in your own words what you think you heard the sender say It is important not to give any indication of approval or disapproval of the sender’s message. Just repeat back the sender’s message in your own words.
I need a volunteer that thinks they can give instructions to another student, using one of the situations. Directions to pick up books at the library Instructions on how to throw a baseball or shoot basketball Instructions on how to do a jumping jack Instructions on how to make a sandwich
Paraphrasing is especially useful when you are giving directions or instructions to someone and you want to make sure that person understand you. Paraphrasing is also useful in making sure that you understand what someone tells you.
Turn to page 45 Describe one situation each at school, at home, and with friends that involves communication. Write how you can improve your communication skills in these