Professional Communications Test #1 Review Basic Communication, Process of Communication, Listening
Ch. 1 Definition of Communication – sending/ receiving messages for understanding Verbal Communication – Communication using words Nonverbal Communication – communication without words Speech Communication – communication through speech
Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is between 2 or more people Intrapersonal communication is with oneself
Types of Speech Communication 1) One-to-one – between only two people 2) Group discussion – must have at least three people; meeting for a common purpose 3) Public communication – speaking to a large audience that is with the speaker 4) Mass Communication – speaking through a medium like T.V., radio, or the internet
8 Characteristics of an Effective Communicator 1) Sincerity – do you mean it? 2) Organization – have a plan 3) Confidence – trust yourself 4) Language – use appropriate language 5) Listening – have good listening skills 6) Nonverbal Communication – know it! 7) Knowledge – know your material 8) Goal Setting – set your goals
The Communication Process Sender – The person that encodes and sends the message Receiver – The person that receives and decodes the message Feedback: Reaction to the message once it’s received; Verbally and Nonverbally
Fields of Experience Sharing a similar knowledge base with other people Having similar interests Varies in depth (familial fields of experience are deeper and last longer than friends)
Encoding/ Decoding Know the difference! Encoding is __________________________. Decoding is __________________________. What is a symbol? How can a person give feedback? List some ways.
Memory This is like the brain’s storage bin Communication all begins in your head, not with your mouth. Information can be called consciously and subconsciously.
Ch Listening HearingListening Natural BehaviorLearned Behavior Reception of SoundInterpretation of Sound Does not require understandingRequires understanding
Barriers to Listening (know each of these and their meaning) Distractions: Internal vs. External; Know the difference. Daydreaming – Why does this happen? Explain. Close-minded – What is this? Overemphasizing the source – What is this? Listening only to the easy stuff – Why do we only do this?
Bullying What is harrassment? Cyber-bullying – bullying over the internet, text, or other electronic communication devices