Social Development 3-5
Socialization: Learning to get along with other people Children do this first in their own families and then in groups. The more time away from home with peers the better social skills become
Peers Children that are the same age
4-year-olds Form friendships with playmates Mostly involved in cooperative play. Groups of 3 or 4 work best
Willing to share and take turns Bossy so fighting is common Seek approval and support from family and other adults 4-year-olds (cont.) Blandord-Radford.jpg
5-year-olds More outgoing and talkative Play in groups of 5 or 6 Fighting is less frequent and involves name calling and threats
5-year-olds (cont.) Have more respect for others’ things Acceptance by peers is more important Gossip is common and can be nasty/mean