FIST, STICK, KNIFE, GUN Jr English Ms. Snellgrove
Monday, September 14, 2015 Learning Target: I can organize my interactive notebook so I can be successful in English Class. Agenda: Do Now Set up Notebook Pre-assessment assignment Exit Slip: Thesis Statement Do Now: Turn your syllabus into the black box on the counter. Find your notebook (or purchase one from me). Homework: Write your 1 st draft of your pre-assessment assignment
Notebook Set-up on Cover Your Name Teacher’s Name Class Period
Notebook Set-up next page Your Name Teacher’s Name Class Period
Table of Contents On the next page Place a tab labeled “Table of Contents” Write “Table of Contents” on the top of the page Number pages Left side label “A” Right side label “B”
Violence in America On page 6B, place a tab Label it “Violence in America”
Glossary On page place a tab labeled Glossary Divide the remaining pages into 4 boxes per page Label each box with a letter until you have labeled each box and used every letter A - Z
Work on Pre-Assessment Assignment Do the best job that you can I will use the assessment to guide instruction If everyone in the class has already mastered a skill I don’t want to bore you by teaching it again Due at the end of class tomorrow.
Exit Slip – on 3 X 5 card Write your thesis statement
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Learning Target: I can demonstrate the skills that I already know Agenda: Do Now Pre-assessment assignment Exit Slip: Pre- Assessment Do Now: Turn your syllabus into the black box on the counter. Work on your Pre- assessment Homework: Find a new article related to violence occurring in the world.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Learning Target: I will understand that all are effected by violence. Agenda: Do Now Appointments Step-in/Step out Summative Assignment Book Check out Exit slip Exit Slip: Pre- Assessment Do Now: On page 6A of your notebook, summarize your news article. Homework: Read Chapters 1 and 2 of Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun
Appointments On Pg. 6A – under your “do now”, write 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 you just need to leave enough room to write a classmate’s name by each You will have 2 minutes to set your 5 appointments You will each have a minute to discuss your article.
Step – In/Step out Form a circle I will read a statement If this statement is true for you step into the circle There should be no talking while we are doing this – no comment is necessary You can choose how honest you want to be but the goal is to see how many of us have been effected by the violence around us.
Unpacking the Summative Assignment - Glue on Page 6B As a table, list the skills that you will need in order to be successful on the summative assignment Create a stoplight Place the skills you have no idea on the red light Place the skills you have heard of but need more practice on the yellow light Place the skills you know well – can exceed at always on the green light.
Exit Slip – 3 X 5 card Has America become too violent? Explain. You can use evidence from your personal life or from your article.
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Learning Target: I will be able to compare and contrast the narrator’s life to life in Tacoma. Agenda: Do Now Venn Diagram 2-Voice poem Do Now: On page 7A of your notebook, summarize Chapters 1 & 2 Homework: Read Chapter 3 of Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun
Venn Diagram – as a table Create a Venn Diagram comparing life in the Bronx to life in Tacoma Even though you are working together – all need to complete the graphic organizer Fold and glue on page 7B
Share Appoint calendar
With your partner Write a 2 –voice poem 1 voice someone living in Bronx 1 voice someone living in Tacoma You both need to write the poem – use the paper given for your final draft You will glue this paper on top of folded graphic organizer You will be sharing these tomorrow in small groups HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 3
Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Learning Target: I can write an analytical paragraph using evidence from non- print text to support my opinion. Agenda: Do Now See, Think, Justify, Wonder Exit Slip: Analytical paragraph Do Now: write chapter summaries for chapters 1-6 Page 7A - chapters 1-2 Page 8A - chapter 3 Page 9A - chapter 4-5 Page 10A - chapter 6 Homework: finish chapter summaries
US Juvenile Crime Rates
US Crime Rates
Exit Slip On a 3 X 5 card write a paragraph analyzing if America has become too violent. Use your see, think, justify wonder. See - evidence Think - TS/CS Justify/Wonder - analysis
Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Learning Target: I can write an analytical paragraph using evidence from non- print and print text to support my opinion. Agenda: Do Now Chalk Talk Table paragraph Do Now: write chapter summaries for chapters 1-6 Page 7A - chapters 1-2 Page 8A - chapter 3 Page 9A - chapter 4-5 Page 10A - chapter 6 Homework: Notebook Check on Friday
Norms for Chalk Talk Quiet when music is playing Everyone is writing Push other’s thinking by asking questions, making connecting comments
Model Paragraph America has become a dangerous place to live, to work, and to even sometimes go to school, but communities are working hard to improve the country. In Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun by Geoffrey Canada, he discusses when he was young and living with his mom and brothers on Union Avenue, a high crime block in New York City. During this time, he had to learn the “rules” and the “codes” of the street. “I had learned so much about how Union Avenue functioned that I figured I would soon know what I needed about how to survive on the block.” (22). Canada had learned that the street he lived on had become a dangerous place – like so many other blocks in America – that he had to learn to fight in order to be respected; in order to survive. Schools all across the United States have become common ground for fights, the bar graph “violence and violent activities” illustrates that 42% of students have been in a physical fight in grades 9 – 12. This demonstrates that school
As a Table group Write a paragraph – on the poster – analyzing has America become too violent. You may only use evidence from the poster – quote or graphic.
Thursday, September 24, 2015 Learning Target: I can participate effectively in a class discussion. Agenda: Do Now 4-corners Exit slip Do Now: On page 10B write about the following quote. Defend or challenge the quote. Try to use evidence from the book and the graphs, as well as your own life. Quote: “Poverty is the worst form of violence.” ― Gandhi Gandhi Gandhi Homework: Notebook Check tomorrow!!!
RUBRIC – GLUE ON INSIDE COVER Exceeds – 8Meets – 7Approaches – 6Below – 5No Evidence – 4 Speaker has prepared and asked or answered several high level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker thoughtfully moves the conversation forward through their answers or questions. Speaker makes insightful connection to others and refers insightfully to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked or answered few higher level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker predictably moves the conversation forward. Speaker makes predictable connections to others and refers to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked lower level questions (level 1) or has questions not based on the text. Speaker as asked or answered at least 2 questions. Speaker emphasizes only own ideas (stalling the conversation) or only addresses the teacher. Speaker tends to debate, not add to the dialogue. Speaker’s ideas are not always connected to others or the text. Speaker has not prepared and asked or answered questions. Speaker is disruptive or argumentative. Speaker is silent or makes no connection to previous comment. Speaker was always absent on Socratic Seminar days. CCSS SL 11.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade topics, text, and issues building on other’s ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Poverty creates violence.
Teens miss part of their childhood to learn to fight in the war they face every day.
The codes of conduct on the streets have always been hard, cold, and unforgiving.
The increase in violence we see today is based on decades of ignoring the issue of violence in our inner cities.
Schools are a safe place.
Violence is created due to the lack of respect for others.
No matter where and no matter how gruesome; violence always serves a purpose.
Violence is created because of fear.
Violence is a learned behavior.
Nothing good ever comes from violence.
Exit Slip – 3 X 5 card Grade yourself for today. Use the rubric. Justify why you gave yourself that grade. What was something that you wish you had said?
RUBRIC Exceeds – 8Meets – 7Approaches – 6Below – 5No Evidence – 4 Speaker has prepared and asked or answered several high level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker thoughtfully moves the conversation forward through their answers or questions. Speaker makes insightful connection to others and refers insightfully to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked or answered few higher level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker predictably moves the conversation forward. Speaker makes predictable connections to others and refers to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked lower level questions (level 1) or has questions not based on the text. Speaker as asked or answered at least 2 questions. Speaker emphasizes only own ideas (stalling the conversation) or only addresses the teacher. Speaker tends to debate, not add to the dialogue. Speaker’s ideas are not always connected to others or the text. Speaker has not prepared and asked or answered questions. Speaker is disruptive or argumentative. Speaker is silent or makes no connection to previous comment. Speaker was always absent on Socratic Seminar days. CCSS SL 11.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade topics, text, and issues building on other’s ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Friday, September 25, 2015 Learning Target: I can organize my notebook. Agenda: Do Now Work day Do Now: Get Caught Up Day! Make sure to have read though chapter 8 by Monday and complete a Notebook check today. Homework: Read Chapters 7 & 8.
Monday, September 28, 2015 Learning Target: I can synthesis at least two pieces of evidence from 2 different sources to support my claim. Agenda: Do now Jigsaw article Exit slip Do now: Pick up your journal from the table On page 11A summarize chapters 7 & 8.. Homework: Read chapter 9
Exit Slip – on a 3 X 5 Card Write a paragraph: Has America become too violent? You must use at least 1 piece of evidence from the article and 1 piece of evidence from chapters 7 or 8. TS (claim) 2 pieces to textual evidence 4 pieces of analysis CS (restate claim)
Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Learning Target: I can acknowledge and state counterclaims. Agenda: Do now 4-Square Gallery Walk Do now: Pick up your journal from the table On page 12A summarize chapter9. Homework: Read chapter 10
Know both sides of an issue America is too violentAmerica is not too violent What are the main points for this side of the argument? (5) What are the counterarguments you will hear from the opposite side? (3)
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Learning Target: I can acknowledge and state counterclaims. Agenda: Do now Read Article 4-Square Gallery Walk Do now: On page 13A summarize chapter 10. Homework: Read chapter 11
Thursday, October 1, 2015 Learning Target: I can acknowledge and state counterclaims. Agenda: Do now 4-Square Gallery Walk Do now: On page 14A summarize chapter 11. Homework: Read chapter 12
Know both sides of an issue Cyber - bullying is a serious issue Cyber - bullying is NOT a serious issue What are the main points for this side of the argument? (5) What are the counterarguments you will hear from the opposite side? (3)
Exit Slip – on a 3 X 5 Card Write a paragraph, analyzing the counterclaim. How can you “twist” the counterclaim to support your claim?
Friday, October 2, 2015 Learning Target: I can participate effectively in a class discussion. Agenda: Do now Socratic Seminar Exit Slip Do now: On page 15A summarize chapter 12. Homework: Read chapter 13
Quickwrite on page 15B Defend or challenge the quote. Try to use evidence from the book, the articles and graphs as well as your own life. Try to also address the counterclaim. “If you want to end the war then Instead of sending guns, send books. Instead of sending tanks, send pens. Instead of sending soldiers, send teachers.” ~ Malala Yousafzai (17 year-old Noble Peace Laureate)
RUBRIC Exceeds – 8Meets – 7Approaches – 6Below – 5No Evidence – 4 Speaker has prepared and asked or answered several high level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker thoughtfully moves the conversation forward through their answers or questions. Speaker makes insightful connection to others and refers insightfully to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked or answered few higher level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker predictably moves the conversation forward. Speaker makes predictable connections to others and refers to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked lower level questions (level 1) or has questions not based on the text. Speaker as asked or answered at least 2 questions. Speaker emphasizes only own ideas (stalling the conversation) or only addresses the teacher. Speaker tends to debate, not add to the dialogue. Speaker’s ideas are not always connected to others or the text. Speaker has not prepared and asked or answered questions. Speaker is disruptive or argumentative. Speaker is silent or makes no connection to previous comment. Speaker was always absent on Socratic Seminar days. CCSS SL 11.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade topics, text, and issues building on other’s ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Exit Slip – 3 X 5 card Grade yourself for today. Use the rubric. Justify why you gave yourself that grade. What was something that you wish you had said?
Monday, October 5, 2015 Learning Target: I will be able to analyze text. Agenda: Do now Read Do now: On page 16A summarize chapter 13. Homework: Read chapters
Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Learning Target: I can synthesis at least two pieces of evidence from 2 different sources to support my claim. Agenda: Do now Video Article Exit slip Do now: On page 17A summarize chapters Homework: Read chapter
Video earned_as_a_kid_in_jail?utm_source= &source = &utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ios- share earned_as_a_kid_in_jail?utm_source= &source = &utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ios- share Take notes as we watch
Article Read the article “Real Solutions to Youth Violence: Evidence-Based Practices” by Justice Policy Institute Take notes
Chapters Use your chapter summaries to complete the graphic organizer
Exit Slip – on paper Write a paragraph: What is the solution for the violence in America? You must use at least 1 piece of evidence from the article or video and 1 piece of evidence from chapters 14 – 17. TS (claim – solution) 2 pieces to textual evidence 4 pieces of analysis Address the counterclaim CS (restate claim) Learning Target: I can synthesis at least two pieces of evidence from 2 different sources to support my claim.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Learning Target: I can synthesis at least two pieces of evidence from 2 different sources to support my claim. Agenda: Do now Video Exit slip Do now: On page 18A summarize chapters Homework: Read chapter
Video – Take Cornell Notes Alice Goffman: How we're priming some kids for college — and others for prisonAlice Goffman: How we're priming some kids for college — and others for prison
Exit Slip – on paper Write a paragraph: What is the solution for the violence in America? You must use at least 1 piece of evidence from the video and 1 piece of evidence from chapters TS (claim – solution) 2 pieces to textual evidence 4 pieces of analysis Address the counterclaim CS (restate claim) Learning Target: I can synthesis at least two pieces of evidence from 2 different sources to support my claim.
Thursday, October 8, 2015 Learning Target: I can synthesis at least two pieces of evidence from 2 different sources to support my claim. Agenda: Do now Video Article Exit slip Do now: On page 19A summarize chapters Homework: Read chapter 22
Article – Take Notes Read “The Second Amendment is a Gun-Control Amendment” by Adam Gopnik Identify the author’s claim, counterclaim, and possible solution
Exit Slip – on paper Write a paragraph: (take a stand) Will gun control solve the violence in America issue? You must use at least 1 piece of evidence from the video and 1 piece of evidence from the article or book. TS (claim – solution) 2 pieces to textual evidence 4 pieces of analysis Address the counterclaim CS (restate claim) Learning Target: I can synthesis at least two pieces of evidence from 2 different sources to support my claim.
Friday, October 9, 2015 Learning Target: I can participate effectively in a class discussion. Agenda: Do now Socratic Seminar Turn Notebooks in Exit Slip Do now: On page 20A summarize chapter 22. Homework: Read chapter 23
Quickwrite on page 20B Defend or challenge the quote. Try to use evidence from the book, the articles and graphs as well as your own life. Try to also address the counterclaim. “The only way we are going to make a difference is by placing well-trained and caring adults in the middle of what can only be called a free-fire zone in our poorest communities. Adults standing side by side with children in the war zones of America is the only way to turn this thing around. (Canada, 109).”
RUBRIC Exceeds – 8Meets – 7Approaches – 6Below – 5No Evidence – 4 Speaker has prepared and asked or answered several high level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker thoughtfully moves the conversation forward through their answers or questions. Speaker makes insightful connection to others and refers insightfully to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked or answered few higher level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker predictably moves the conversation forward. Speaker makes predictable connections to others and refers to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked lower level questions (level 1) or has questions not based on the text. Speaker as asked or answered at least 2 questions. Speaker emphasizes only own ideas (stalling the conversation) or only addresses the teacher. Speaker tends to debate, not add to the dialogue. Speaker’s ideas are not always connected to others or the text. Speaker has not prepared and asked or answered questions. Speaker is disruptive or argumentative. Speaker is silent or makes no connection to previous comment. Speaker was always absent on Socratic Seminar days. CCSS SL 11.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade topics, text, and issues building on other’s ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Exit Slip – 3 X 5 card Grade yourself for today. Use the rubric. Justify why you gave yourself that grade. What was something that you wish you had said?
Monday, October 12, 2015 Learning Target: I can explain the problem, the claim, and the counterclaim. I can propose a solution. Agenda: Do Now Work day Do Now: Get Caught Up Day! Pick up your notebook off the back table. Make sure to have finish the book by tomorrow. Homework: Finish the book
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Learning Target: I can effectively participate in a class discussion. Agenda: Do Now Socratic Seminar Exit Slip Do Now: Summarize Chapters 24 and 25 on page 22A. Write 2 level 2 questions and 2 level 3 questions for Socratic Seminar. Homework: Pre-write for your essay
Quickwrite on page 22B “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi Explain whether violence can be prevented. Synthesize evidence from at least 2 sources. Think about what the number one solution would be to decrease violence.
RUBRIC Exceeds – 8Meets – 7Approaches – 6Below – 5No Evidence – 4 Speaker has prepared and asked or answered several high level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker thoughtfully moves the conversation forward through their answers or questions. Speaker makes insightful connection to others and refers insightfully to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked or answered few higher level questions (level 2 & level 3) based on the text. Speaker predictably moves the conversation forward. Speaker makes predictable connections to others and refers to the text. Speaker has prepared and asked lower level questions (level 1) or has questions not based on the text. Speaker as asked or answered at least 2 questions. Speaker emphasizes only own ideas (stalling the conversation) or only addresses the teacher. Speaker tends to debate, not add to the dialogue. Speaker’s ideas are not always connected to others or the text. Speaker has not prepared and asked or answered questions. Speaker is disruptive or argumentative. Speaker is silent or makes no connection to previous comment. Speaker was always absent on Socratic Seminar days. CCSS SL 11.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade topics, text, and issues building on other’s ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Exit Slip – 3 X 5 card Grade yourself for today. Use the rubric. Justify why you gave yourself that grade. What was something that you wish you had said?
Thursday, October 15, 2015 Learning Target: I can create a pre-write and draft a thesis for an argumentative essay. Agenda: Do Now Draft of thesis 4-square 3 part integration chart Do Now: On page 23A in your Notebooks, copy the following words and definitions: Claim - A statement or assertion that is open to challenge and that requires support Counterclaim - the opposite side of a claim. Synthesize – combine, put together Analyze - Examine, investigate Homework: Finish classwork - 4 – square AND 3 part integration chart
Thesis Draft Write your new vocabulary words and page numbers into your glossary Copy the definition on to page 23A of your notebook. Thesis – a statement that a writer intends to support and prove. Write a working draft of your thesis on a sticky note Post the sticky note on your desk This will be the center of your writing
Claim/Counterclaim On the graphic organizer find evidence to support both sides of your thesis Remember to cite your sources Remember to use at least 3 of the 11 1 must be the book Analyze the evidence How or why does it support your claim Address the counterclaim Acknowledge it “twist” it to help prove your point – why is it wrong?
Friday, October 16, 2015 Learning Target: I can effectively cite evidence and avoid “quote bombs”. I can write an introductory section to an argumentative essay Agenda: Do Now 3 part integration Introductory section Do Now: Finish your 4 – square activity (evidence for claim/counterclaim) Homework: Draft an Introductory section
3 Part Integration Graphic Organizer Avoid Quote bombs Fill in chart for each piece of evidence you think you might use Part 1 – Introduce the source, the author’s name and comments about the author Part 2 – provide a paraphrasing of what is happening Part 3 – provide a direct quote (short – doesn’t have to be a complete sentence). AVOID QUOTE BOMBS!! You will need to have evidence for both your claim and your counterclaims.
Monday, October 19, 2015 Learning Target: I can write an introductory section to an argumentative essay I can write a 1 st draft of my paper Agenda: Do Now Draft your paper Do Now: Finish your Introductory and Concluding sections Homework: 1 st draft of your paper
Introductory Section More than a paragraph Explain the problem – strong intros will include evidence about why this is a problem or why it is important to understand it. Attention Getter – think outside the box – not simply a question anymore! (If you ask a question for an AG you will only receive an approaching on the intro standard!!) Other ways, include but not limited to: Give a quote that supports the main topic of the essay State a shocking statistic Your intro section needs to include all parts (but it does not need to be in this order anymore!) Attention Getter Explain the problem (transition) Thesis
Body paragraph approaches
Subject to Subject In this approach, the writer takes a stand, recognizes the opposition, and then counters the opposition.
Set them up; knock them down – point to point In this approach, the writer begins with a counterargument and then spends the rest of the paragraph knocking it down.
Concluding Section Call to action Propose a solution Explain why this call to action/solution is the best
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Learning Target: I can Edit my paper Agenda: Do Now Set appointments Peer edit papers Library tomorrow to type Do Now: Finish your 1 st draft Homework: Edit your paper based on peer comments
Peer Edit Star the thesis Box evidence for claim Underline evidence for counterclaim Answer the following questions: Are the quotes embedded? Or are they “quote bombs”? Is topic introduces with something other than a question? What? Does the writer propose a solution? What? Does the conclusion have a call to action? What?