ReliabiliTREE Program Revitalized Vegetation Management Program. –25 Dedicated Crews for 4 years. –Trees adjacent to the line are pruned for 4 years of re-growth clearance. –Work will be performed by Asplundh Tree Expert Company employees working for Westar Energy. Improved customer notification Improved Public Education program Additional partnerships with our community leaders
ReliabiliTREE Purpose: Safety and Reliability Line clearance work is required to ensure that Westar Energy can provide safe and reliable service. Westar Energy complies with all nationally recognized standards and procedures. –Safety Standards –Work Methods
ReliabiliTREE Public Education Improved public education program –Media; website, newspaper, & public access channels –Presentations to City Leaders, City Employees Responsible for Street Trees and Tree Boards. –Presentations to neighborhood and home owner associations –Tree Owner Meetings “The Right Tree in the Right Place”
ReliabiliTREE Specific Features Four year recurring cycle. –Re-pruning and removing additional trees will be incorporated into future cycle work. Herbicide use in urban areas –Low volume or ultra-low volume application –Applied following initial work to control new growth.
ReliabiliTREE Benefits Improved system reliability for all customers: Life support customers Elderly and homebound customers Home-based businesses Tree-related outages are significantly reduced. Light bulb flicker is reduced. Animal-related outages are reduced to about 25% of pre-trimming levels. Lightning-related outages are also reduced.
Map of ReliabiliTREE Program Area
Distribution Line Easement - Before
Distribution Line Easement - After
Thank you! Questions? 10 Jeff Martin Director, Reliability & Resource Scheduling