Reference & Research Writing 103 Uniformed Writing for Trinity Theological Seminary of South Florida T. Carter C.Ed Ph D.


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Presentation transcript:

Reference & Research Writing 103 Uniformed Writing for Trinity Theological Seminary of South Florida T. Carter C.Ed Ph D

A note to the Student To The Student,  This format was both developed and donated to Trinity Theological Seminary of South Florida for uniformity. Its purpose is to give an understanding of the Reference & Research Courses, and keep all students and campuses on one accord with not only the APA Format, but also with bookbinding, course descriptions, course objectives, and assignments in Reference & Research Writing 101, 102, and 103. Finally it is my prayer that you find this simplified text both helpful and educational as you complete each course. God Bless, God Bless, Dr. T. Carter Dr. T. Carter

 No one knows their students/pupils better than the teacher; therefore use these books at your own discretion. Use these workbooks as you see fit in order to meet the needs of both Trinity, and your students; all while fulfilling the guidelines of Reference & Research Writing 101, 102, and 103. A note to the Student cont.

 Course Description:  This course is both designed and purposed to help students in accomplishing the following:  ♦Write an effective paper (thesis/ dissertation) …  ♦Produce an error free final copy …  ♦Proper use and application of the APA Format in the paper (thesis  /dissertation) for publication …

Course Objectives:  Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:  ♦Produce an error free, well organized, and coherent paper (thesis /dissertation)  ♦Use the APA Format, and the instructors format/ guidelines in constructing and writing the paper (thesis /dissertation) …

Grading Analysis:  In accordance with Trinity Theological Seminary’s grading system.  Attendance Policy:  In accordance with Trinity Theological Seminary’s attendance policy.  Required Class Materials:  ♦RRW WB III  ♦A Bible  ♦ Ink Pen (blue or black ink)  Assessment & Final Exam:  ♦Midterm: Proof of active work on the paper.  ♦Final: Turn in your paper and complete your final exam.  Weekly Assignments: TBA

Table of Contents  Title Page Format … … … 5  Outline Format … … … 6  Abstract Format … … … 7  Introduction Format … … … 8  APA Formatting Guidelines … … … 10  APA Vocabulary … … … 10

 Title Page Format

Title (of your paper here) By: (your name goes here) Trinity Theological Seminary of South Florida (This area of the paper stays open for the school crest/logo in book binding.) A Final Report submitted to the faculty of: Trinity Theological Seminary of South Florida: (fill in your “city” Location). Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of (fill in the full title of your degree) (fill in the date: Month Day, Year) Your papers title, and page # 5

Your papers title, and page # 6  Outline  (Please note that the outline will serve as a table of contents, and should follow the format of an outline… Roman Numerals, Capital Letters, and Numbers. See the example below)  Abstract  Introduction  Main Topic  Sub Topic  Example  Main Topic  Sub Topic  Example  VI.  VII.  VIII.  IX.  X REQUIREMENTS FOR BACHELORS DEGREE  XI.  XII.  XIII.  XIV.  XV.  XVI.  XVII.  XVIII.  XIX.  XX REQUIREMENTS FOR MASTERS DEGREE  XXI.  XXII.  XXIII.  XXIV.  XXV.  XXVI.  XXVII  XXVIII.  XXIX.  XXX 1-30 REQUIREMENTS FOR DOCTORS DEGREE

Your papers title, and page # 7 Abstract (This is a SHORT SUMMARY of your paper and should be no more than 100 to 150 words).

Your papers title, and page # 8 Introduction (Here the student introduces their paper. The introduction should lead right into the first topic of your paper… Roman Numeral I)