A Biography of Isaac Asimov. Revision 1 传记 10 框架,结构 2 圣洁的 11 思考 3 兼职的 12 离婚 4 全体员工 13 为 节省时间 5 年幼的 14 豪华的 6 生物化学 15 收件人 7 天才 16 总计 8 章,篇 17 喜爱 9 理论上的.


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A biography of Isaac Asimov
Presentation transcript:

A Biography of Isaac Asimov

Revision 1 传记 10 框架,结构 2 圣洁的 11 思考 3 兼职的 12 离婚 4 全体员工 13 为 节省时间 5 年幼的 14 豪华的 6 生物化学 15 收件人 7 天才 16 总计 8 章,篇 17 喜爱 9 理论上的 18 一定做 …

Leading in 艾萨克 · 阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov, ( ) , 美籍犹太人,为本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家 之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和 星云终身成就「大师奖」。以他的名字为号 召的「艾西莫夫科幻杂志」,是美国当今数 一数二的科幻文学重镇。

阿西莫夫是一位多产得惊人的作家, 自 50 年代初,至今已出版了 300 多部著 作。

works : I, Robot 《作品 100 》 《最新科学指南》

Look through the text and get the main idea of each para. Para1 birth and death Para2 life experience Para3 his achievements Para4 marriage life Para5 how he began writing Para6 most famous works Skimming

Ex1on P17 complete the timeline of the events Date Event 1920 Born in Russia ___________ ___________________________. Parents bought a candy store ___________________________. Mother had her third child. ____ Started to take himself seriously as a writer ________________________________ ________________________________. Sister born Moved with family to New York Started working in a candy store 1931 Began having stories published in science fiction magazines Scanning

Date Event ____ Gained Master’s degree in chemistry Finished working in the candy store. ________________ _____________________________. ____ Got PhD in chemistry. ____ Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine Published his first novel. _____________. Developed three laws for robots Got married Worked as junior chemist, Philadelphia Navy Yard Published “I, Robot”

Date Event Published “The Foundation Trilogy” and won an award for it. _____ Published first science book _____ Became a full-time writer Divorced his first wife. __________________________. _____ Had a blood transfusion. Became infected with HIV ________________________ Married for a second time 1983 Died in New York

Turn to para5 and get to know his works True or false 1 Asimov received awards for his science fiction books 2 He won an award for Foundation trilogy and I,Robot 3Foundation trilogy was loosely based on the fall of the Roman Empire. 4 Foundation trilogy is famous for three laws for robots 5 I,Robot is famous for the theoretical framework 6 Asimov’s ideas about robots had an effect on both writers and scientists who research into artificial intelligence. F F T F F T

Question time Look through the passage again and find out any sentence you can’t understand Group A: para1-3 Group B: para4-6

Phrases: 1 an American scientist and writer 一个美国科学家兼 作家 2 mystery stories 怪诞小说 science fiction stories 科幻 小说 a collection of short stories 短篇小说集 3 have an extraordinary imagination 有超凡的想象力 an amazing mind 惊人的头脑 / 智慧 4 search for 寻找 5 as a result of… 由于 6 a blood transfusion 输血 7 be pregnant with a child 怀上一个孩子

8 work part-time 做兼职工作 a part-time job 一 份兼职工作 adj. work full- time 做全职工作 a full-time writer 一个专职 / 全职作家 9 help out 帮忙 10a junior chemist 一个初级化学师 a junior middle school 初级中学 a senior middle school 高级中学 这俩词无比较级不和 than 连用 be junior/ senior to 比 …… 年幼 / 年长(资历浅 / 资格老) She is junior to me. 她比我年幼 She is three years junior to me. =She is junior to me by three year. 她比我小三岁

11 have a gift/ talent for sth/ doing sth 对 …… 有天赋 He has a talent/ gift for singing. a talented/ gifted musician adj. 有天赋的 12 take … seriously 认真 / 严肃对待 …… 13 have stories published

14 be loosely based on… 大致以 …… 为基础 15 a theoretical framework 一个理论框架 theory n. 理论 16 research into= do some research into 研究 …… 17 artificial intelligence 人工智能 18 marry sb 娶 / 嫁给某人 be/ get married to sb 与某人 结婚

divorce n./vt. The divorce rate is down. 离婚率下降了 (n.) He finally got over from his divorce. 他最终从离 婚中缓过劲来了 (n.) Mr. Smith divorced his wife. (vt.) 史密斯先生和他妻子离婚了

Homework 1p 小注 2 查出 初中词汇表 中不认识的词 3 阅读 P57 R3

1. Do the exercises on P22 基 础训练 2. Finish the following choosing questions. Task 2 detailed reading Learning tips: if necessary, ignore the clauses,and find the main structure of sentences

1. A 2. D comic 喜剧的 3. A 11 years old 4. C HIV infection 5. A influence other writers and even scientists researching into artificial intelligence The keys to the exercises on P22

Exercise : 1What’s the main idea of the text ? Introduce a famous American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov’s life and works. 2 How many years did Issac Asimov work in store? A 5 B 9 C 11 D 13 D

3. In which book did he develop a set of three laws? A. The Foundation Trilogy B. I, Robot C. In his first novel D. In his first science book. B

4. What was Asimov best known for? A. His mystery stories. B. His science fiction stories. C. His science and history books. D. His books about the Bible and about Shakespeare. 5..All the followings are true except_____. A. Asimov’s talent for writing wasn’t obvious when he was young. B. He began having his stories published in science magazine in C. He published his first novel in D. He published his first science book in B A

6. What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimov’s three laws didn’t exist? A. Maybe robots will harm or injure human beings. B. Maybe robots will disobey human beings. C. In order to protect their own existence, robots may injure human beings. D. All of the above. D

7. Why could Issac Asimov become a writer ? A A friend of his made him a writer B His parents wanted him to be a writer C He had the talent for writing D He had so many experiences in his life. C

8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text ? A Issac Asimov didn’t publish books until he became a fulltime writer. B Issac Asimov’s ideas about robots completely influenced scientists researching into artificial intelligence C Robots should protect human beings in “I,robot.” D Issac Asimov wrote some famous plays about Shakespeare. C

Task 3 Discuss Imagine it is the future and people have household robots. Discuss what positive or negative effect the situation would be.

Positive effects People will be relived from doing household cleaning or cooking. Robots will be able to rebuild and decorate the home and design and do the garden. People will be free to work or enjoy their leisure time. Life will become an endless paradise!

Negative effects People will become fat and lazy if they no longer have to take care of their houses or their gardens. There will be many medical problems with people who are overweight or do not do enough exercise. The hospitals will be crowded with lazy and sick people.

What is worse, if a robot breaks down , people will no longer have the useful skills of decorating and cooking, therefore, they would find it very difficult to manage their lives. Life will become a doctor’s nightmare!

Summary We know the mian information of Isaac Asimov. Also,we know the main method to write a person’s biography.

Homework Write a paragraph describing the robot and what it can do. 未来的保姆 可以更准确地识别出讲话者的方位,并 能在噪音中识别语音,可识别手写体文字, 为增强与机器人之间的合作等功能提高了 通信能力。

Language points 1. A Biography of Isaac Asimov biography n. 传记 bio( 尤其供公开发表的 ) 个人简历 (biography 的缩写 ) bio cards 传记档案卡 ; bio information 传记资料 bio- 表示 “ 生命, 生物 ” 之义 biophysics 生物物理学 biochemistry n. 生物化学

2. an American scientist and writer 一位科学家兼作家 The singer and dancer _______( be ) coming for a visit. The singer and the dancer __________(be) Coming for a visit. A knife and fork _______ ( be ) on the desk. is / was are/ were is / was

3 explanation n. 解释, 解说, 说明, 辩解, 互相讲明 What is your explanation for being late? The only explanation for his behavior is that he’s mad. explain v. 解释, 说明 explain sth to sb We explained our plan to the committee.

4. From 1942 to 1948 he worked as a junior chemist … junior adj. younger, lower in rank 较年轻的 / 职位稍低的 He is the junior employee in the firm. He is two years junior to me. senior: older; higher in rank 较年长的;职位稍 高的 He is two years senior to me. senior citizens 老人