Gallup Q12Yes/ No Do you know what is expected of you at work? Do you have the materials and equipment you need to do your work right? At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day? In the last seven days, have you received praise for doing good work? Does your supervisor seem to care about you as a person? Is there someone at work who encourages your development? At work, do your opinions seem to count? Does the mission of your company make you feel your job is important? Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work? Do you have a best friend at work? In the last six months, has someone at work talked about your progress? In the last year, have you had opportunities at work to learn and grow?
FullyDisengaged 29%71% Positive impact on quality of products 84%31% Positively affect customer service 72%27% Positive impacts on costs 68%19% Strong emotional bond Willingness to recommend company to friend Commit time to help company succeed Motivated by intrinsic factors (common purpose, part of greater process)
Employee perceptions of job importance. Employee clarity of job expectations Career improvement opportunities Regular feedback and dialogue with superiors Quality of working relationships with peers, superiors, and subordinates Perceptions of the ethos and values of the organization Effective Communications - "what's going on".
Employees want to give more, but also want clear and measurable return for their effort. Only 1 out of 5 workers today is giving full discretionary effort on the job – going above what’s required - because in the passion and purpose of creating better product, service or customer experience Close to 4 out of 10 workers are disenchanted or disengaged. - Not performing anywhere near their true capability - not have emotional and motivational connections Engaged employees are not born, but made. Organizations create right conditions to nurture engagement and drive better performance.
Senior management sincerely interested in well- being Ability to improve skills and capabilities Organization’s reputation for social responsibility Employees inputs into decision making Quick resolution of customer concerns Setting of high personal standards Excellent career advancement opportunities Challenging work assignments that broaden skills Good relationships with supervisors Organization encourages innovative thinking
Effective — and engaged — leadership at the top. Gap between traditional 20 th century leadership model and characteristics for engaging leadership - implications for management selection and training - considerations for leadership succession and development Review leadership programs - leaders understand their enormous positive impact on employee engagement, retention and performance. Validate the following requirements: ◦ Existing leadership development programs focus on building right “muscles”? ◦ Potential leaders assessed and developed based on the right criteria? ◦ Performance management programs emphasize the right leadership activities Highlight where leaders have contact with employees (e.g. coaching, sponsoring, recognizing, role modelling, communicating, involving)?
Customize and shape the work environment and culture to match their unique basis for competitive advantage tangibly aligning workforce strategies with business priorities. Key questions: 1.What are the organization’s unique cultural differentiators? 2.How far is the existing culture driving the behaviours for success? 3.Are our human capital strategy and underlying programs aligned to create a high performance culture? 4.What changes are needed to for enhanced performance? 5.Is the HR function equipped to develop and execute new strategies and support for the change process?
Put workforce under same microscope as customers – understand employees’ needs, issues, values and “buying” patterns - give themselves a competitive edge - help in attracting, retaining and engaging employees Top 5 drivers for attracting employees ◦ Competitive base pay ◦ Career advancement opportunities ◦ Challenging work ◦ Convenient work location ◦ Flexible schedule
Competitive base pay Career progress opportunities Challenging work Convenient work location Flexible schedule
Organization’s reputation as a great place to work Satisfaction with the organization’s people decisions Good relations with supervisor Understanding potential career track within organization Ability to balance work/personal life
Senior management sincerely interested in employee well-being Ability to improve skills and capabilities Organization’s reputation for social responsibility Employee input into decision making Organization’s ability to quickly resolve customer concerns
HR and Beyond Them is us Finish strong with a call to action Villains and victims Be happy
Stop looking for the secret Better systems No time to talk Don’t you trust me? Avoiding immediacy with social media. We need disengagement
Vampires and stakes Catch a WIFM (what’s in it for me?) Joined at the hip This is business. Drop that carrot We all make mistakes.