CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF... What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? **Part 2** Rob Darrow, LMT, Clovis Unified, Clovis (District Online School) Janine Jenkins, LMT, Burton Unified, Tulare (Middle School) Kathy Pinasco, LMT, Central Unified, Fresno (Elementary School) Martee Barnett, LMT,
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Online Initiatives Agreeing on common standards in technology software and technology objects allows greater ACCESS SIF Learning Objects DCP (Digital California Project) CAL VHS Dig Ref
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Acronym Worksheet Acronym Matching How many had 4 or more? Answers
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - SIF Schools Interoperability Framework See handout in packet
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - SIF What are different technology management systems in school? Student Information System Attendance, grades Library Student Test Data
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - SIF (Schools Interoperability Framework) Allows different technology management systems to talk with one another and allows the user to receive the parts they want/need What are different technology management systems you have at your school?
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Current School Management Systems
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - SIF Compliant
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Some of the Companies Working Together towards SIF Apple Blackboard COMPanion Follett Software IBM McGraw-Hill Microsoft Novell Riverdeep SageBrush SIRS Mandarin Texas Instruments
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - SIF Reflection Time – Reaction Sheet Questions to Ask in your district Do you know about SIF? Are your technology management systems SIF compliant? What are we doing in our school/district to move towards being SIF compliant? How will the library be involved?
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Learning Objects Compare writing utensils Similarities, Differences What are some examples of an object we might all have that would fit together some how? Legos Regardless of shape, they would all fit together
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Purpose of Learning Objects (LO) To enable learners or instructors to search, evaluate, acquire, and utilize Learning Objects. To enable the sharing and exchange of Learning Objects across any technology supported learning systems. To enable the development of learning objects in units that can be combined and decomposed in meaningful ways. To enable computer agents to automatically and dynamically compose personalized lessons for an individual learner.
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Learning Objects (LO) Learning Objects Shareable Reusable Portable Adaptable Use of “Meta data” to tag objects for better access by end user
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - What is Metadata? (Similar to cataloging standards – SEARS, LOC, etc.) “Meta" simply means one level of description higher. Metadata is data that describes data. Tool used to index and classify material. Like the card catalogue in a library, metadata is designed to aid in the online search for relevant sources. Metadata elements would be title, author, format and description.
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - What is Metadata? (Similar to cataloging standards – SEARS, LOC, etc.) There is no standard for metadata on the Internet. Frustration by users to find relevant and useful educational material. Developing a standard metadata set, is therefore an essential part of any educational object repository. accessed Important info can then be searched and accessed.
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Other Tech Standards (Similar to cataloging standards – SEARS, etc.) IMS (Instructional Management System) Global Learning System SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Learning Technology Standards Committee Learning Technology Standards CANCORE (Canadian Core Data)CANCORE
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Learning Object Repositories MERLOT ( Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) MERLOT CAREO (Campus Alberta Repository of Educational Objects) CAREO
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Learning Objects Reflection Time – Reaction Sheet Questions to Ask in your district Have you heard about learning objects? If you’re creating any content, will the tagging be consistent with future learning object repositories?
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - DCP Digital California Project PreK-20 Education Network Expands teachers’ and learners’ access to rich standards-based content resources. Enables the use of highest quality material & programs by improving delivery of digital resources Ensures that these materials & programs are reliably available when & where needed
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins -
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - DCP Reflections - Reaction Sheet Questions to ask Where is your nearest node? Is your district connected? Why or Why not? Is your school connected? Why or Why not?
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - CAVHS/CALVHS/CALVS (California Virtual School ) See info in your packet
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - CAVHS/CALVHS/CALVS (California Virtual School ) Report written in July 2002 – Rob Darrow, Clovis Unified Gordon Freedman, Knowledge Base John Watson, Colorado eLearning Consultant Focus Group Process ELearning Educational Trust Model Collaborative Model Ramifications for LMC?
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - California Virtual School Reflection Time – Reaction Sheet Questions to Ask What role can LMTs play in a virtual high school?
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Dig Ref What is Digital Reference (DigRef)? Digital reference, or "AskA", services Internet-based question-and-answer services that connect users with experts and subject expertise. Digital reference services use the Internet to connect people with people who can answer questions and support the development of skills.
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Dig Ref Virtual Reference Desk Index 24/7 Reference Desk Southern California The Virtual Reference Desk
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Florida Distance Learning Reference and Referral Service Purpose: Library and reference services for distance learning college students Cooperative among 73 Florida community, state colleges and public libraries
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Florida Distance Learning Reference and Referral Service Students contact librarians via Web Chat Phone call
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - 24/7 Reference Southern California Metropolitan Cooperative Library System 32 independent city and special district public libraries located in the greater Los Angeles area
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins -
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Dig Ref Reflection Time – Reaction Sheet Questions to Ask How might school libraries provide digital reference services? How would this work? How does this fit with an virtual high school program?
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - How Does it All Fit? SIF Learning Objects DCP Cal VHS Digital Reference
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Impact on School Library Media Centers? Personally LMC School/District State
CSLA “ CAVHS, DCP, SIF & DIGREF...What Do They Mean to LMTs? How Do They Fit in the LMC? ” Rob Darrow – Kathy Pinasco- Janine Jenkins - Reaction/Reflection