Developmental Tasks Over the Family Life Cycle Just as individuals have tasks at different stages of the human life cycle, family groups have tasks typical of different stages of the family life cycle.
Couple Stage Couples establish a home Couple decide on single or dual career marriage. Couple negotiate relationships with each other’s family and friends. Couple agree on their independent interests. Couple agree on becoming parents or not becoming parents.
Expanding Family Stage Parents prepare for first child. Parents invest in equipment for first child. Parents agree on shared care for child. Parents agree on participation of other in care of child.
Preschool Parents arrange for companionship for child. Parents prepare child for school. Parents prepare child for younger sibling.
School-age Parents agree on type of school for child. Parents work child’s school schedule in with their own work schedule. Parents supervise child’s contacts with schoolmates and teachers.
Teen Stage Parents begin to ‘let go’ of teenage child. Parents welcome teen’s peers to their home. Teens show new needs with parents. Teen initiate discussion on special concerns. Parents and teens revise self-images as teens become more independent.
Launching Stage Parents recognize child as young adult. Teens share plans with parents and siblings. Teens show new needs with parents. Parents and teens revise self-images as teens become more independent.
Contracting Stage Parents adjust to “empty nest”. Parents begin to plan for retirement. Parents may become grandparents. Young adult may re-enter ‘nest’ on a new basis. Parents and children adjust to parental aging.