The Cherokee Tribe By : Caleb and Libby
Cherokees lived in Southern Smith County.
What were Cherokees known for? Cherokee Indians were known as one of the "Five Civilized Tribes” Their political structure was highly developed, and even had an elected chief.
What did Cherokees believe in? The Cherokee worshipped the Deer God. They told him, "We only kill what is needed to feed our families, and we are sorry.”
What festivals did Cherokees celebrate? They held many festivals. Some, like the Green Corn Festival, was held annually.Green Corn Festival
What did Cherokees eat and how did they get it? People who lived in the Cherokee nation ate mainly corn and beans and squash (the "Three Sisters") that they grew in their fields. They made the corn into flat breads like tacos and tortillas and they made the beans into soups and stews.corngrew
What did Cherokees eat and how did they get it? Pg#2 Cherokee people also ate a lot of meat, especially deer and rabbits, and a lot of fish and turtles. Cherokee people kept on getting a lot of their food from gathering as well.gathering
What changed for the Cherokees as settlers arrived? The new settlers wanted to occupy the Cherokee lands after the discovery of gold in them. In 1838, the Cherokee were told by the U.S. government to move to the west of Mississippi
What were the daily lives of the Cherokee woman? Women helped in harvesting corn and in painting. They also helped in building the summer and the winter houses. They would also cook; make baskets, and clay pots.
What were the daily lives of the Cherokee men? Fishing and hunting were the main jobs of the Cherokee men, except for growing corn. There were no formal schools for children, but they learned the Cherokee history from their parents and relatives. These stories were fun to hear, and taught lessons of good manners and behavior.
What did the Cherokees give to Texas? The Cherokee are famous for their beautiful baskets. They used baskets to hold food like corn as they picked it and to hold wild berries and roots.
References /cherokee/religion.html /cherokee/religion.html erica/before1500/food/cherokee.htm erica/before1500/food/cherokee.htm NativeAmericans/Cherokee.htm
What changed for the cherokees when settlers arrived? In the late 18th century, the European settlers arrived in significant numbers. The Cherokee Indians battled Carolina settlers in the 1760's, but eventually withdrew to the Blue Ridge Mountains.
References pg#2