Cherokee Trail of Tears An Exercise in Understanding
Fish Bowl Rules 1.Only one person speaks at a time. 2.Participants must use cues such as body language and eye contact to determine when it is appropriate to speak. 3.If two people start to speak at the same time, one must yield. 4.All participants look at the person speaking. 5.Questions can be asked of other participants in the inner circle to motivate them to join in. 6.Disagree politely. 7.State your ideas and support them with evidence. 8.Respond to the comments of other participants by agreeing or disagreeing and offering additional evidence. 9.Record notes, quotations from the text(s), statistics, etc., that support your ideas and opinions. 10.The teacher or seminar leader does not participate in the discussion except to provide a new question or to terminate an irrelevant or inappropriate line of discussion.
Rubric Explanation Note the expectations on the rubric: –State and identify issues to be discussed –Use foundational knowledge –Elaborate & explain Provide reasons, evidence, etc. –Invite other people to contribute –Challenge the accuracy of your companions’ statements
Fishbowl Set-up How-to 1.Only people sitting in the inner circle may speak. 2.If someone from the outer circle has something to say, he or she sits in one of the two side desks. 3.Said participant may stay as long as he or she has something meaningful to share. 4.Outer circle participants must take notes.
Question 1, Reading 1 Gah! This one sucked. Change it Based on what you know about the settlers and the American government in the 19 th century, discuss whether John Ross’s appeal to extend constitutional rights to the Cherokee nation was effective. –Provide reasons for your beliefs.
Question 2, Reading 2 Discuss whether the United States government have the right to enforce the treaty. –Think about the conditions within the Cherokee constitution (note question 4 that states that treaties must be approved by the Cherokee National Council).
Question 3, Reading 3 Discuss the ramifications of the Trail of Tears through 2 nd and 3 rd person accounts. –General Scott –The missionary –The traveler –The Cherokee survivor –Professor Thomas
Question 4, All Readings Discuss the significance of The Trail of Tears on Anglo American and Native American identities. (Include other readings such as the myths and Chief Joseph’s proclamation.)
Wrap-up For homework, reflect on the discoveries we made in class on the readings about the Trail of Tears. –Discuss if and how your understanding of Native American culture changed. –Think about (on paper) how the difference between the European American Dream and the Native American Dream affected the Cherokee’s pursuit of happiness.