Hertfordshire Forward Hertfordshire Assembly Monday 7 July 2014 Domestic Abuse Sarah Taylor – Programme Manager, Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment, and Hate Crime
Domestic abuse only occurs between a husband and wife …. MYTH: Domestic abuse occurs between intimate partners in a heterosexual relationship – whether married or not – in a same sex, bi-sexual, or transgender relationships, or civil partnerships and also between family members including mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, and grandparents – whether directly related, in-laws or stepfamily. Domestic abuse is just about violence…. MYTH: It isn’t. Domestic abuse is about the power and control someone (or group) exerts over someone else and can include, for example; a partner not allowing you to control your finances; stopping you seeing your family; controlling your access to information or even what you wear. Domestic Abuse; Introduction
Core definition; Home Office 2013: Domestic violence and abuse: ‘Any incident of or patterns incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass, but is not limited to, the following types of abuse: ’ psychological physical sexual financial emotional Definition not legal, includes: –forced marriage, so-called ‘honour-based abuse’ and female genital mutilation (FGM) Domestic Abuse ; Introduction
Destructive criticism/verbal abuse Pressurising behaviours Disrespect Abusing trust Isolation/control Stalking/Harassment Threats Sexual Violence Physical Violence Denial Domestic Abuse: Abuser behaviours
Worldwide: –Causes more deaths/disability than Cancer, Malaria, Traffic Accidents & War (women aged 15 to 44) –90% = male against female; women have highest repeat/escalation rate National: –Affects 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men – at least 750,000 children –30% starts/escalates in pregnancy – biggest killer in ante- & post-natal child/maternal deaths. –90% cases occur in households where children are part of the household; 45% directly/indirectly affected/witness –Up to 75% ‘at risk’; 52% CP cases involve DA –Child physical abuse and links to DA is high; between 30% to 66% –Up to 75% believed to be abused during visits ordered by courts – inadequate safety measures –20% of all violent crime (2013) –1 incident reported to police every minute – 4% reporting rate –73% of incidents are repeats – 24% victims suffer multiple incidents (3x+) before seeking help –2 women and 1 man killed every week (1 man every 17 days in 2010/11) –Annual cost £16bn (2009) – E&W –More than 150 Domestic Homicide Reviews; since statute – April 2011 Domestic Abuse; Everyone’s Business
Hertfordshire: –Annual cost £517.5m –30% reported rapes –Affects approx. 70% of Young Offenders –Involved in approx. 80% of Child Protection cases –7% of police calls; 2013/14 = 12808; +17% –5 Domestic Homicide Reviews Domestic Abuse; Everyone’s Business
Common Risk Assessment and clear pathways –ACPO/CAADA-DASH Risk Identification Checklist (RIC); 2007/08 –Specialist / high risk services and responses Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference Independent Domestic Violence Advisors Constabulary –This must be better embedded; How? Consistency = improved protection; increased safety Domestic Abuse; Everyone’s Business
Early Intervention –High risk = specialist services/responses –Medium/low risk = vital in mitigating escalation –Early identification = increased safety –Early intervention = breaking cycles, shifting attitudes, changing behaviours –Prevention; ill-health, torn families, death –Coordinated/Joined up Domestic Abuse; Everyone’s Business
Training – needs increased focus –Establishing a central, consistent, multi-agency approach vital in : Jointly working towards the elimination of domestic abuse Development of preventative strategies Providing timely responses; ensuring best service Establishing domestic abuse as ‘core business’; commitment to culture change Ensuring clear understanding of issues, and knowledge of the services provided ad responses needed Delivering consistent messages and approaches – linked to national/local priorities Eliminate isolation –Strategic Programme Board / County Community Safety Unit approaches: Delivering aspirations to embed local programme; tiered, cyclical Investment in training trainers; hosting foundation courses Working with safeguarding boards; review and agree way forward –Work-based policies: more than disciplinary Guidance for managers Support for victims Domestic Abuse; Everyone’s Business