Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign Campaign goals: Raise awareness about free and low-cost health coverage available through Medicaid and CHIP and how to apply Create opportunities for families to get their eligible children and teens signed up for coverage Pursue a two-generation approach– more parents than ever before are eligible for Medicaid Provide resources to help organize and conduct outreach 2
3 We’re Making Progress… Children’s Medicaid/CHIP Participation Rate Source: Forthcoming analysis of the Urban Institute Health Policy Center’s ACS Medicaid/CHIP Eligibility Simulation Model based on data from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) from 2008 to Notes: Estimates reflect an adjustment for the misreporting of coverage on the ACS.
Find Your State’s Participation Rate 4 Go to Right-hand side: “Resources”
Teen Challenge 2010 Medicaid/CHIP participation rates for children: 88.3% overall 89.9% under age 6 86.7% ages 6-12 < 80% ages
Two Key Campaign Initiatives The Campaign will ramp up outreach during two important times of the year: Spring Enrollment Push (May): Remind families that application and enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP for eligible children, teens and adults is year-round Back-to-School Time (July-August): Engage parents when health issues are top of mind 6
You Can Apply for Medicaid & CHIP 365 Days a Year 7 Over 12 million new enrollees so far!
Reaching Teens Work with school-based health centers and other places teens seek care Connect with programs that attract older teens – drivers ed, college and vocational prep, community colleges Look beyond schools – recreation, after-school jobs Work with trusted adults – teachers, coaches, community organizations Reach out to vulnerable teens – teens who are homeless, former foster youth 8
“Kid in Charge” Flyers 26
Customization Options 12 Customization Guide:
National Webinars 34 Monthly webinars for grantees and partners Archived webinars at /index.html /index.html
Keep Up With the Campaign Sign up for the Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign Notes eNewsletter Contact us to learn how you can get involved KIDS (5437) Follow us on 14
Thank You! Donna Cohen Ross Director of Enrollment Initiatives Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services