Division of Air Quality Ambient Monitoring Donnie Redmond Section Chief May 7, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Division of Air Quality Ambient Monitoring Donnie Redmond Section Chief May 7, 2014

Topics to be Covered Ambient Monitoring Why do we do it? Who determines how many to operate? How do we decide where to put them? What do monitors look like? (Pictures!) Issues on the Horizon 2

Ambient Monitoring: Why? EPA requirements Highest concentrations Population exposure Background Research Public health effects re pollutant levels To better understand control strategies Public interest 3

Ambient Monitoring: What? EPA regulations lay out minimum requirements Number of monitors Where to locate them How long to operate them Different rules for each pollutant Same standards apply across the nation 4

Example: Ozone requirements Any metro area (MSA) with 350,000 people Must have at least one ozone monitor If >85% of the standard, must have two Any MSA with at least 50,000 people Must have a monitor if >85% of standard At least one monitor in each area must be for maximum concentration 5

Ozone monitoring req’ts (cont.) Eight NC metro areas have >350,000 people Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Winston- Salem, Asheville, Hickory, Fayetteville Each must have at least one monitor Second monitor required if near ozone standard Seven other MSAs with 50, ,000 people Wilmington, Greenville, Rocky Mount, Jacksonville, Goldsboro, Burlington, New Bern One monitor required if >85% of standard 85% of the standard (75ppb) is ~64 ppb 6

Ozone monitoring req’ts (cont.) Other considerations Additional monitors may help reduce the size of a nonattainment area Rural monitors may help determine transport of pollution Number of required ozone monitors can add up quickly! 7

Other pollutants PM2.5 Population and pollutant concentration NO2 Population and traffic volume SO2 Population and emissions weighted index Lead Emissions-based CO No population-based requirements Additional background monitors in support of PSD permitting 8

Ambient Monitoring: Who? Statewide network Regional office staff operates the monitors Electronics calibration/repair shop in Raleigh Two labs in Raleigh Central office does QA, SOPs, and reporting Local programs Mecklenburg, Forsyth, Western NC Cherokee tribe Federal agencies also operate monitors in NC 9

Site Characteristics Must meet EPA requirements, including Distance from trees, buildings, roads Nearby emissions sources Prevailing wind direction Height of sample probe above ground Other considerations Safety of technicians (traffic, terrain) Access to power and phone Cost to use site (free is good!) Co-located with other instruments 10

Quality Assurance requirements Chemists/statisticians review, validate, and report all the data Calibrations Power failures “Exceptional events”, i.e., fires Monitor performance issues Temperature, humidity, leaks Insects, varmints Completeness 11

Issues on the Horizon New ozone standard (2015) Could require monitors in smaller metro areas Could extend the ozone monitoring season SO2 source-oriented monitoring (2016) Major concerns regarding resources and logistics Introduction of new high tech sensing devices Citizens can take real-time local measurements 12

Particulate at Goldsboro 13

Ozone at Mocksville 14

Near road monitor in Raleigh 15

Questions? Donnie Redmond Ambient Monitoring Section Chief References 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D DAQ website 16