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Presentation transcript:

 Circulatory System relates to: o Skeletal system  Where blood cells are produced o Respiratory System  carries oxygen/carbon dioxide to the body o Lymphatic System  lymph and foreign invader defenders travel through the blood system  Functions of blood o Fluid connective tissue o Transport dissolved gasses, nutrients, hormones, and metabolic wastes o Regulates pH and ion composition o Restricts fluid loss at injury sites o Defense against toxins/pathogens

 46-63% Plasma  37-54% Formed Elements o 3 components : 1.Red Blood Cells, RBC’s or erythrocytes Most abundant Transport oxygen/carbon dioxide 2.White Blood Cells, WBC’c or leukocytes Involved in body’s defense mechanisms 3.Platelets Small packets of cytoplasm that contain enzymes and other substances for clotting

 Plasma composition: o 92% water o 7% Plasma Proteins o 1% other solutes

 3 Primary types: 1. Albumins Regulate osmotic pressure of plasma Transport fatty acids, hormones 2. Globulins Antibodies that attack foreign proteins and pathogens 3. Fibrinogens Blood clotting if platelets don’t clot properly

 99.9% Erythrocytes  Contain the red pigment hemoglobin  Single blood drop = 260 million RBC’s  Structure: o Biconcave disc Enables RBC’s to form smooth stacks that flow through narrow openings Enables bending/flexing o During differentiation, RBC’s loose most organelles  short lifespan (<120 days)

 Hemoglobin o Bloods cells with attached oxygen  bright red o binds and transports oxygen/carbon dioxide to tissues throughout the body o Anemia: condition where the Hemoglobin levels are low Interferes with oxygen delivery Symptoms: weak, lethargic, confused AKwo&NR=1 AKwo&NR=1

 Blood Doping: involves harvesting an athlete's own blood before a competition or finding a matching blood donor o blood is processed to create a concentration of red blood cells, then frozen until needed for transfusion back into the athlete shortly before the event o the extra red blood cells will deliver more oxygen and other essential elements to the athlete's muscle tissues, which means more stamina and endurance

  A classification determined by presence/absence of antigens o Substances that trigger an immune response o Attached to cell membranes of RBC’s  RBC’s of individual will have either 1. A antigens 2. B antigens 3. Both A and B antigens 4. Neither A or B antigens

 Type A o Antigen A o 40%  Type B o Antigen B o 10%  Type AB o Antigens A and B o 4%  Type O o Neither antigens o 46%

 Rh factor o Surface antigen o Rh+ Presences of Rh antigen 85% o Rh- Absence of Rh antigen 15% o Example: O-  No antigens present AB+  A, B, and Rh antigens present

 Day 2  Blood typing lab

 Why do we need to be aware of blood types? o Agglutinins: cells in plasma that attack antigens on “misplaced” RBC’s When agglutinins attack the foreign RBC’s clump together = agglutination o If you are Type A  your plasma carries anti-B (antibodies B) which will attack Type B surface antigens o Universal Recipient: AB+ o Universal Donor: O-

 Inherited through genes on chromosome 9  Determined by the inheritance of 1 of 3 alleles (A, B, or O) from each parent. The possible outcomes are shown below:alleles  Both A and B alleles are dominant over O. The A and B alleles are codominant. Therefore, if an A is inherited from one parent and a B from the other, the phenotype will be AB. Parent Alleles ABO AAA (A) AB (AB) AO (A) BAB (AB) BB (B) BO (B) OAO (A) BO (B) OO (O)

 Compared to RBC’s o Have a nuclei, organelles o Lack hemoglobin  Function o Defend against invasion by pathogens o Remove toxins, wastes, abnormal/damaged cells

 Use bloodstream to travel from organ to organ o Detect chemical signals within the blood to seek out the damaged area Can move out of bloodstream Some can do phagocytosis: the ability to engulf large particles  Types of Leukocytes o Neutrophils o Eosinophils o Basophils o Monocytes o Lymphocytes

 Neutrophils o 50-76% of WBC’s o The first WBC to arrive at injury site o Specialize in attacking and engulfing bacteria that has been marked  Eosinophils o Red in color o 2-4% of WBC’s o Phagocytize marked bacteria, parasites, or cellular debris  Basophils o <1% of WBC’s o Trigger dilation of blood vessels to avoid clotting

 Monocytes o 2-8% of WBC’s o Aggressive phagocytes o Engulfing items larger than themselves o Release chemicals to attract other neutrophils and monocytes  Lymphocytes o 20-30% of WBC’s o 3 Classes: 1.T Cells 2.B Cells 3.NK Cells

 Lymphocytes 1. T Cells 1.Cell mediated immunity 2.Against invading foreign cells and tissue 2. B Cells 1.Humoral immunity 2.Producing of antibodies 3. NK Cells 1.“Natural Killer” cells 2.Immune surveillance 3.Detection of destruction 4.Important in preventing cancer

 Leukopenia  Leukopenia: abnormally low #’s of leukocytes  Leukocytosis  Leukocytosis: abnormally high #’s of leukocytes o Leukemia: type of Leukocytosis, many kinds Leukocytes fight off normal, healthy cells within the body

 Platelets  Platelets: thrombocytes o Thrombocytopenia: abnormally low platelet count Cause: excessive bleeding o Thrombocytosis: exceedingly high platelet count Infection, inflammation, cancer  Functions o Release enzymes at appropriate times to initiate clotting control o Formation of temporary patch in walls of damaged vessels

 Day 4

 Blood pumped through the body is involved in 2 main circuits: 1. Pulmonary Carries blood to and from the gas exchange surfaces of the lungs 2. Systemic Transports blood to and from the rest of the body  Both circuits start and end at the heart o Circuits made up of: Arteries Veins Capillaries

pericardial cavity  Surrounded by the pericardial cavity o Visceral Pericardium: o Visceral Pericardium: lining covering the surface of the heart o Parietal Pericardium: o Parietal Pericardium: lining on the inside surface of the pericardial cavity o Pericardial fluid: o Pericardial fluid: lubricant found between both pericardium layers to reduce the friction

 Anterior View o Aorta Ascending Descending Arch o Right Atrium o Right Ventricle o Left Atrium o Left Ventricle o Pulmonary Trunk o Superior Vena Cava o Left Pulmonary Artery

 Anterior View o Aorta Arch o Right Atrium o Right Ventricle o Left Atrium o Left Ventricle o Pulmonary Trunk o Superior Vena Cava o Inferior Vena Cava o Left Pulmonary Artery o Right Pulmonary Artery

 Interatrial Septum  Interatrial Septum  separates the right and left atria  Interventricular Septum  Interventricular Septum  separates the right and left ventricles  Atrioventricular Valves  Atrioventricular Valves—(2 of them)  valves that open between atria and ventricles o 1 on right side: “Right AV valve” or tricuspid (3 flaps) o 1 on left side: “Left AV valve” or bicuspid (2 flaps)  Pulmonary Semilunar valve  Pulmonary Semilunar valve  valves that open between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk  Aortic Semilunar valve   Aortic Semilunar valve  valves that open between the left ventricle and the aorta

Right Atrioventricular Valve Tricuspid Right Atrioventricular Valve or Tricuspid Left Atrioventricular Valve Bicuspid Left Atrioventricular Valve or Bicuspid Pulmonary Semilunar Valve Aortic Semilunar Valve Chordae Tendinae Chordae Tendinae: connective tissue that pulls cusps open Papillary Muscles Papillary Muscles: attach to Chordae Tendinae and constrict to pull cusps open

 Review structures

 Blood from body  Inferior/Superior Vena Cava's  Right Atrium  Right Atrioventricular Valve/Tricuspid  Right Ventricle  Pulmonary Semilunar Valve  Pulmonary Artery   Lungs (BECOMES OXYGENATED)   Pulmonary Veins  Left Atrium  Left Atrioventricular valve/bicuspid  Left Ventricle  Aortic Semilunar Valve  Ascending Aorta  Aortic Arch  Descending Aorta  the Body

 practice

coronary circulation  The heart, as a muscle, needs a blood supply too = coronary circulation  Coronary Arteries:  Coronary Arteries: (left and right) originate from the ascending aorta o Supplies blood to the heart tissue  Cardiac Veins:  Cardiac Veins: takes blood from the heart tissue and dumps it directly into the right atrium o Removes deoxygenated blood from the heart tissue

 Cats

 Conduction System o Release chemical impulses to change the Transmembrane potential of heart tissue o Components Sinoatrial Node (SA node) In wall of Rt Atrium Contains pacemaker cells---regulate heart rate Atrioventricular Node (AV node) Between atriums and ventricles AV Bundle Perkinje Fibers Conducting Cells Interconnect the nodes Pass electrical signals to all cells of the heart tissue

 Heartbeat 1. SA node stimulated 2. Impulse spreads and reaches the AV node 3. Atrial contraction begins 4. Impulse spreads with the AV Bundle 5. Impulse braches to the Perkinje fibers 6. Spreads to papillary muscles for valves to open 7. Impulse spreads to ventricles for contraction

Sinoatrial Node (SA) Atrioventricular Node (AV) AV Bundle Perkinje Fibers

 Electrocardiogram  Electrocardiogram: recording of the electrical events of your heart  Features: o P Wave: depolarization of the atria (contract) o QRS Complex: ventricles depolarize(contract) and atria repolarize(relax) R Wave: Ventricles contract (contraction held due to ventricles being larger than atria) o T Wave: ventricle repolarization (relax)

 The repetitive pumping process that begins with cardiac muscle contraction and ends with the beginning of the next o 2 phases: Systole Systole: contraction of the heart chambers— pushing blood out of heart Diastole Diastole: Relaxation of the heart chambers---blood filling heart chambers Used in blood pressure readings: Systolic/Diastolic Ex: 120/80 The amount of pressure on your vascular tissue during systole and diastole

 Take Blood Pressure o Average 120/80 Abnormally Low #’s: 80/50 or lower = body is not getting enough blood Hypotension Hypotension Abnormally High #’s: 140/100 or higher = heart is working too hard to get blood to body Hypertension Hypertension

 Average resting  Consistently above 100 or below 60---see a physician