Abstract Introduction Materials/Methods Results Credit given to… Conclusions For this project, we used wikispaces to get post the information that we gathered about the pancreas, thyroid glands and adrenal glands. We had two whole class blocks to work on this project and used the laptops to make a power point. We also used the laptops to get information for the poster in which we got poster board for. The endocrine system is very closely related to the nervous system. It regulates and maintains several of the body functions by releasing hormones. The thyroid gland, adrenal glands and the pancreas are a few of the many glands that deliver the hormones right into the bloodstream. The thyroid gland is located near the throat while the pancreas and adrenal glands are near each other below the stomach. Adrenal glands are triangle shaped glands that sit above the kidneys. The outer part of this gland produces steroid hormones. When a gland make enough hormones or makes too much the body becomes sick. The thyroid gland plays a major role in regulating the body’s metabolism. In adults, this gland weighs about 10 to 20 grams and consists of two flat oval lobes which are linked by isthmus. The pancreas is about 6 inches long and is placed along the back of the abdomen. The head is at the right of the body while the tail is at the left. The pancreas’ job is to create the chemicals that are needed for blood sugar regulation and digestion. It is called the abdominal gland. Medline Plus.gov Pennmedicine.org WiseGeek.com Google.com Results Figure 1 The pancreas is both involved with the endocrine system and the digestive system. It regulates blood sugar with insulin and glucagon. The pancreas is behind the stomach. Figure 2 Pancreas Cancer is very difficult to diagnose and often gets identified while it is too late. It is highly deadly. The only cure is to remove all of the cancer. Figure 3 When cells become resistant to insulin, the level of glucose In the blood keeps rising because the door to let glucose in, won’t open. The body continues to produce insulin to make the glucose amount decrease and eventually wares out. This causes diabetes. Figure 4 Pancreatitis is a disease that effects the pancreas directly. This is when the pancreas becomes inflamed which causes enzymes inside to attack the tissues that produced them. Includes bleeding, infection, and permanent tissue damage. Effects both males and females. Figure 5 Located in the throat and is butterfly shaped. Main function is to regulate the body’s metabolism. Figure 6 Thyroid Nodules are growths or lumps that form on the thyroid gland. They are very common and almost half of the population will get these. Not cancerous but should be taken care of before gets out of control. Figure 7 Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland only releases minimum hormones. Small organs that sit above the kidneys. Send hormones that help the body’s growth. Also helps regulate kidney function and a person’s ability to deal with stress. Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Addison’s disease is when the adrenal glands cannot produce enough of the hormones cortisol and aldosterone. This makes the gland begin to shut down and that’s when the symptoms begin to show. However, if they are to start to fail suddenly, the symptoms will be more apparent. Adrenal gland cancer is rare. Only a couple people per one milion will receive it. Tumors are found years after they’ve began to grow. Has opportunity to spread to nearby organs. In conclusion, the pancreas, adrenal glands and thyroid gland are all a part of the endocrine system. The endocrine system’s job is to maintain and regulate the body’s functions by releasing hormones. These three out of the many organs deliver hormones right to the blood stream. The thyroid gland is located in the throat and contains parathyroids. While the adrenal glands sit above both the left and right kidneys. These glands help to regulate the kidneys. The pancreas is found along the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach. Each of these have diseases and disorders that consist of cancer, thyroid nodules, Addison’s disease and pancreatitis.