I.The Verb A. a word that expresses action or a state of being 1. went, is, ran, spoke B. Every complete sentence has a verb. It says something about the subject. C. Classified in three ways 1. Main verbs and Helping Verbs 2. Action or Linking verbs 3. Transitive or Intransitive Verbs
II. Main Verbs and Helping Verbs A. In many sentences, a single word is all that is needed to express the action or state of being. This is the main verb. 1. Ex. The dog barked all night. B. In other sentences, the verb consists of a main verb and one or more helping verbs. A helping verb can also be called auxiliary verb. 1. Ex. Can speak, will learn, should have been fed
C. Together, the main verb and helping verb are called a verb phrase. 1. Some words can be BOTH helping and main verbs a. I do wash the dishes. b. I will do the dishes. 2. Sometimes verb phrases are interrupted by other parts of speech, like adverbs. a. Suzanne should not call so late. b. Did you watch FF5’s new video?
Your turn to practice!!! - Open Language Arts Textbook pg 96 and complete Exercise 1. Then choose 5 word groups from pg 97 to complete Exercise 2.