1 NHS Choices Chang4Life – September 2013
2 Contents – by data sources Webtrends Visits to Change4Life pages Percentage of NHS Choices traffic going to Change4Life content Top ten Change4Life pages Influence of Change4Life campaigns on visits to Change4Life pages Mobile device usage on Change4Life pages ‘Smart Restart’ campaign referrals
3 Introduction Change4Life (C4L) has become one of the most instantly recognisable brands in health improvement. It has a number of local supporters and national partners. There are six Change4Life sub-brands: Bike4Life Breakfast4Life Let’s Dance with Change4Life Play4Life Swim4Life Walk4Life Between January – September 2013, there were a number of Change4Life campaigns, including ‘Be Food Smart’ and ‘Smart Restart’.
4 Webtrends Visits to Change4Life (C4L) pages have on the whole been significantly higher in 2013, than they have in the previous two years. The difference is most noticeable in the month of January, when in 2013 visits were over 200% higher than they were in 2012 and over 450% higher than those recorded in January January 2013 also saw peak visits to Change4Life pages, with 898,927 being recorded. June and July 2013 were the only two months during the reporting period to see a fall in visits compared to the previous year. Although visits in these months were down compared to those in 2012, they were still noticeably higher than those in the same months in 2011.
5 Webtrends For the first quarter of 2013 the proportion of overall choices visits made up by Change4Life content followed a similar pattern to that of 2011 and However, between May – July when visits plateaued in 2011 and 2013, 2012 saw visits increase. From July visits in 2011 and 2013 followed a similar line, which saw visits beginning to rise again, while 2012 saw visits dip. In January 2013, the percentage of NHS Choices traffic visiting Change4Life content was 3.29%, which was 1.31% higher than for the same time in 2012.
6 Webtrends The Change4Life homepage was the most visited over the reporting period, seeing 65% more visits than the page in second place. The top ten also featured three out of the four Change4Life campaign landing pages - ‘Be Food Smart’, ‘Smart Restart’ and ‘Sneaky Drinks’ (alcohol campaign). The summer campaign ‘Get Going for Summer’ landing page was the 41 st most visited page between January – September 2013.
7 Campaign Influence The impact of Change4Life campaigns on visits to Change4Life pages can be seen, with visits being higher when a campaign was being promoted. There is a clear lull in visits between April – July, when there were no campaigns being actively publicised.
8 Campaign Influence During periods of active campaign promotion, visits to campaign landing pages accounted for 40+% of Change4Life visits. The only exception to this was the ‘Summer’ campaign. The ‘Smart Restart’ campaign had the highest percentage of Change4Life visits to it’s landing page, with 82% of all Change4Life visits going to the campaign landing page on the 16 th September 2013.
9 Webtrends Between January – September 2013 the Apple iPad and iPhone dominated Change4Life mobile device usage, with 41% of all mobile device visits being made using an iPad and 40% with an iPhone. Overall, 32% of Change4Life visits were made via a mobile device, with iPad visits accounting for 13% of all Change4Life visits during the reporting period.
10 Webtrends The 14 th August 2013 saw the Change4LIfe site optimised for mobile devices. In the days following optimisation the percentage of Change4Life visits made via a mobile device spiked, with a peak post- optimisation percentage of 61% being recorded on the 25 th August C4L optimised for mobile 14 August 2013
11 Webtrends The pie chart shows the pages visited immediately before the ‘Smart Restart’ campaign landing page. The campaign was promoted on the NHS Choices homepage carousel, but visits coming from this page account for less than one percent of all pages visited immediately before the campaign homepage. Most visits (83%) began at the Smart Restart landing page. * Stats for page refreshes and incomplete visits have been removed from this pie chart