Proposal for Permission Marketing “Carrying value to our recipients”
Objectives REACH THE INBOX! Experience/Knowledge Increase ROI Increase Sales Increase Knowledge Cut expenses in Marketing Dept.
Current Marketing Situation APR Counter markets counter days APR REPORTER Word of Mouth Personal Selling Advertising Involvement in Industry Events, Newsletters, Magazines
Workload Ryan Management of customers/profiling, liaison to senior level, Metric Analyzer Dan Template Creation IT help/layout Liason to Listrak Catherine Administrative Construction of Content
To Do List Acquiring Profiling of List Profile Maintenance Template Creation Newsletter Product Announcement (Sales) Content Creation Comes from Senior Level & Beth Develop Metrics for Success Click Rate Continual Education in Marketing through webinars and Listrak provided programs
SWOT Analysis Strengths Market Position Growth Strategy Willingness to invest in technology Weaknesses Slow with Marketing Economy Starting from scratch May be a strength?
SWOT Cont. Opportunities Expand into E-Newsletters/E-Marketing Interactive media such as video Threats Competition is already doing! Pierce Phelps Magazine/Newspaper Industry in trouble Ad revenue down as much as 50% Cutting Circulation 6- 8% and RAISING PRICE!! People HATE Spam
Acquiring Mailing List on Website Question on Credit App Call Center when calling on new customers Research Customer’s websites Converting customers to billing CUSTOMER LIST 4.24 Send out “Permission ” Survey
Begin segmentation of customer Obtain s not in our system Incentive to customer for completing and receiving an 2 surveys Electronic Handwritten Sample Survey.doc
Target Decision Makers within companies Owners Service Men Buyers
Content APR Promotion New Product Announcement Newsletter Eddie’s Training APR Press Release, Awards, New Branches APR Reporter info APR XVI Rewards Calendar of Events OASIS Promotion Newsletter
Short Term Goal Increase Sales Dollars Develop Metrics with Terry Increase profitability of Marketing Develop Metrics with Beth and John Gain 2,000 useable AND subscribed customer s Increase our conversion rates from flyers to s
Long Term Goal 5 Year Plan Market “EVERY” customer Decrease in Marketing Expenses Reducing APR Reporter Newsletter costs to set metric (Terry/John) Reduce customers dependency on mailing flyers Use Marketing Software to cascade messages to all Employees with
Maintaining Course Quarterly/Semiannual surveys on marketing to customers to gain feedback Monthly Content meeting with Sales and Marketing to lay out Quarterly plans Oversight from senior team on progress
References Vistage; Foss, Troy “How to Use to Drive Sales: Get the Highest ROI with Marketing” to-drive-sales.html September - to-drive-sales.html The Wholesaler; Schmitt, Rich “Put Marketing to work on customer- related tech initiatives” December 2008 Elsevier; Kirby, Justin and Marsden, Paul “Connected Marketing the Viral, Buzz, and Word of Mouth Revolution” Burlington, MA 2006 Ezine Article; Crane, Peter “ Marketing Frequency – How often should my company send s” Marketing-Frequency---How-Often-Should-My-Company.....February 2009 - Marketing- FOLIO Magazine Article; Stableford, Dylan “Newspaper Industry Sees Biggest Ad Revenue Decline in More than 50 Years” March 2008