Egypt Its location, religion, art and architecture and civilization
Where is Egypt? Along the Nile River The River Nile is about 6,695 km (4,160 miles) in length and is the longest river in Africa and in the world. It flows South to North Most Egyptians lived near the Nile as it provided water and excellent soil for growing food.
How important was the Nile Egyptians used it for several reasons Growing wheat, papyrus and flax Transportation fishing
The 3 periods of History The Egyptians have 3 major periods of ancient history. The Old Kingdom- small kingdom with Pharaohs as god-like authority The Middle Kingdom- a period of rule by foreigners like the Nubians The Egyptian Empire- ruled by emperors who traded with other nations
How did they communicate with each other? The standard, everyday language was demotic The language used for record keeping was hieroglyphics
How did they rule? Village Chiefs eventually become Pharaohs Pharaohs are god-like. Egyptian rulers were part of a dynasty or ruling family Egypt eventually becomes an empire- one leader who rules over a large amount of land.
Objective To compare significant features of the Nile River Valley: Its language Religion Government Economic systems Art and Architecture Its Geography
Egyptian Religion They were polytheistic Believed in a Afterlife. Happy Field of Food Eater of the Dead You are judged by the Book of the Dead Mummification is a preparation of the Body for AfterLife
Other Items about Egypt: Medicine- set broken Bones, wrote Medical Books. Built Pyramids Became very good Ironsmiths
The Pyramids: 38.html 38.html
Pyramid Questions What type of shape makes up the base of a pyramid? How did they manage to get the blocks up the pyramid? What techniques were used to move the blocks?
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What made the Egyptians a complex civilization? Complex government Strong religion that affected everything The ability to build elaborate well designed structures Art and culture