David Blowers
David Blowers
“’The salvation of the soul is key to salvation of the body’ William Booth insisted, and he preached it fervently on every occassion when he met with those who had the wherewithall to help bring about change. William and Catherine Booth, Founders of The Salvation Army Helen K Hosier ©1999 Barbour Publishing Inc.
David Blowers
“The Deliverer”, Vol 1, 1 st July 1889 For that thousands of our poor fallen sisters remain on the streets of London today is not entirely due to lack of earnest effort to reach them, although the efforts made have been all too few and weak compared with the gigantic need; but, also, this special class of sinners has too often been approached without the expectation of absolute deliverance actually animating those who sought to give a measure of help.
“The Deliverer”, Vol 1, 1 st July 1889 To “reform” girls, to penitentiarise, to teach them to work, to give them once more “a character” or “a start in life” – one hears much of all this, and plenty, also, of the bitter disappointment and failure mixed up with it all. Hallelujah! How I thank God for the blessed knowledge of a Deliverer! (Commissioner George Scott Railton 1889)
David Blowers
Money can change circumstances, only God can change people. Ivan Mako, cca 2011
David Blowers
Our expectations We expect to plant (be involved in planting) new congregations of Armada spasy among Roma/foreign people (as Isaiah 54) We expect to “light a fire in Margate from which other fires can be lit” We expect to facilitate many individuals coming to Christ We expect that God will make individuals usable by Him Armáda spásy Corps Profile 2015
Our expectations We expect to offer to The Salvation Army what Roma have and TSA is lacking and offer what The Salvation Army has to the Roma nation We expect that some of us (AS Margate members) will be sent home by God to minister there what we have received here. We recognise that UK law and the attitudes of British people may effect this, so we need to prepare people to be strengthened, established and equipped for this. Armáda spásy Corps Profile 2015
Our expectations We expect to make disciples. We expect to be involved with other denominations engaging with, and training for, mission amongst Roma We expect to engage in effective evangelism and discipleship of children and youth. Armáda spásy Corps Profile 2015
David Blowers
O Ježíš phenďa: “Me avľom vaš oda, hoj len te avel dživipen a te avel len savorestar pherdo” Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10 v 10 (New International Version)