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CONTACTS Rafael Sanzio Painter Mobile(142) homeKingdom of France groupArt Guild notespainter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer RELATED CONTACTS: Jan Van EyckDonatello
MAIL Read Message From: To: Painting 1300 A.D Dear Leonardo, I am one of you biggest fans in your painting. I would like you to paint me, I want to look like a star. Would you do that for me? I would like it to be in a forest and in the back of me, wild animals. Since you and your friends are such good painters, maybe all of you can do it together. I would really appreciate you doing this for me. We can meet in the back of the village near to market with all your friends and paint a beautiful picture of me in the forest. P.S I would like it to be in natural colors. Citizen Me If you are writing an as your character, his/her name will be in the FROM field. Just change the READ MESSAGE in the header to SEND MESSAGE.
WEATHER Venice Italy 77° WEA Precipitatio n: 0% Humidity: 67% Wind: 11 mph AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM THER IMAGE Venice Italy Precipitation: 90%, Humidity: 57%, Wind: 6 mph 75⁰ Florence Italy Precipitation: 0%, Humidity: 66%, Wind: 5 mph 73⁰ France Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 67% Wind: 11 mph AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 67% Wind: 11 mph AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 5 PM 8 PM 11 PM 2 AM 5 AM 8 AM 11 AM 2 PM 72⁰
NEWS The Leonardo News DATE What’s with the Mona Lisa? Leonardo’s Life Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting, in the Louvre in Paris, is arguably the most famous painting in the world. This was the time that he was noticed as a painter. Everyone knew him and his paintings. He began famous. Nobody really knows who is in the painting, and why she isn’t smiling. There are many thoughts of why she isn’t smiling, like she is pregnant or injured. Or is it a portrait or him just painting of him mind? The painting in really life is very small, but most people blow in up on a poster. It's worth doing with a quality reproduction too, as the more you look the more you see. Just what is in the landscape behind her? Which way are her eyes looking? How did he paint that fabulous drapery? The more you look, the more you see, even though initially it may feel so familiar a painting. How did he paint it so her eyes followed you? Many questions that people will never be able to find out.
APP 7 Fill in the colors
APP 7 Fill in the colors
APP 8 Which one is Leonardo?