Why Weight? – Act Now! A local approach to tackling adult obesity Clare Harland Health Improvement Manager
NIHCE Guidelines Advise on weight loss/maintenance Multi-component interventions, e.g. dietary assessment, exercise, goal setting, family involvement Long term intervention & ongoing support Focus on activities that fit easily into daily life, e.g. walking
The Services
The Team
A partnership between
Why Weight? Partnership with Telford & Wrekin Council Launched Jan 06, for overweight clients with a BMI Weekly low cost ‘Slimming Club’ format Weigh-in, ½ hour exercise, ½ hour talk
Physical Activity
Tutor lead Sessions Physical Activity Healthy eating Portion control Self management & motivation
Facts & Figures 300 new starters in last 12 months Average attendance 8 sessions Weight loss after 6 sessions = 3.45kg Average loss = 4% of their starting weight
Maintaining Engagement Information folder Free incentives Introduction to exercise / leisure centre environment Support & encouragement
PCT Provides Trained Weight Loss Mentors Weigh in Client folder and incentives Nutrition Talk Cost to PCT £57 per head
Local Authority provides Venue Physical Activity Instructor Registration of clients Data capture and recording Receipt of money
Why Weight? Plus
Obese clients with BMI 30+ (or BMI 27+ with co-morbidities) GP / Health Professional referral only 600 new clients a year 33% clients have BMI >40
Our Main Focus…. Motivating clients to make behaviour changes Healthy eating and portion control Increasing activity and exercise
The set up….. 1:1 assessment appointment 1:1 Reviews at 3, 6 & 12 months Weekly tutor lead workshops Exclusive exercise classes Use of Why Weight? for ongoing support
Facts & figures Weight changes diverse due to client group Overall average 3.2% weight loss at 12 weeks
Maintaining engagement – the carrot Clear targets & action plans Phone contact in 1 st few weeks Face to face catch up at 3 weeks Newsletter
Maintaining engagement – the stick Get tough Create value around the service Discharge DNA’s Referral by GP to re-enter programme
PCT costs £179 per client per year Trained Weight Loss Mentors Some venues Client booklet and supporting information Visual Aids & resources