Warm Up: Make sure you have a good researchable question. Then write about why you chose your topic and what side you think you will take and why. Be sure to include reasons for your opinion.
Are the new USDA food guidelines (MyPlate) beneficial to Americans? By Ms. Rolfe
Thesis: Americans should follow these new guidelines set up by the USDA because they promote overall health, prevent obesity and can actually be achieved on a modest budget.
New Guidelines Promote Overall health… (Direct quote) The new guidelines call for Americans to eat more fruits and vegetables. which are vital to a person’s overall health. In fact, research shows that, “The soluble fiber—and possibly the flavonoids—in some vegetables may cut the risk of heart disease… Stroke is less common among vegetable eaters, possibly because of the vegetables potassium… People who eat spinach and other leafy green vegetables—which are rich in a carotenoid called lutien—have a lower risk of blindness” (Liebman). We can conclude from this article that MyPlate prevents chronic illness and makes people healthier because of the emphasis on eating more fruits and vegetables.
New guidelines prevent obesity (Summary)… The new guidelines set forth by the USDA and the tools available on MyPlate.gov provide Americans with valuable information to help prevent obesity. According to Dr. Mary Gavin, MyPlate helps parents keep their children from being obese by promoting portion control, warning away from sugary drinks and encouraging low sodium processed food (Gavin). All of this information, along with how user friendly the site and icon are, make the new guidelines an excellent tool for lowering obesity in this country.
New guidelines can be followed even on a budget (Paraphrase) Many people have complained that the new MyPlate guidelines are not feasible for lower income families, however, the guidelines can indeed be followed on a budget. According to Dr. Monique Ryan, eating a healthy diet on a budget will involve more planning ahead. If families plan, they can get all of the healthy fresh foods they need without breaking the bank. A good plan and checking local stores for sales and coupons is key to making healthy, budget friendly meals (Ryan).
Works Cited Liebman, Bonnie. "Vegetables: gimme five." Nutrition Action Healthletter Dec. 1996: 12+. Gale Science In Context. Web. 13 Sep "MyPlate Food Guide." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Ed. Mary L. Gavin. The Nemours Foundation, 01 June Web. 12 May Ryan, Monique, MD. "Eating MyPlate, Your Way, on the Family Budget." Kids Eat Right - Eating MyPlate, Your Way, on the Family Budget. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Oct Web. 12 May 2014.